I thank God every day for bringing your sweet, loving nature into our lives and into the life of my wonderful son/daughter! #25 I know that becoming part of our family has not been easy for you, but thank you for doing it anyway. So many kids go to school with their love tanks on empty and you always find a way to send them home with a full tank. I will be your best friend and I will always be proud of you. These quotes are often enlisted for all the working parents in the world working hard for their childrens future. 7. #24 I want to thank you for loving my children, even when they are being difficult. Matching Result: I will be your biggest fan. You often get worried and confused about your child. "string"===typeof e[0]&&f.push(e.shift());l.push.apply(l,k([],h(e),!1));try{Function.prototype.apply.call(b,console,k([f.join("")],h(l),!1))}catch(A){console.error(A)}};return a}());g=function(){function a(b){this.adthrive=b;this.video=this.recipe=this.content=this.all=!1;this.locations=new Set;this.reasons=new Set;if(this.urlHasEmail(window.location.href)||this.urlHasEmail(window.document.referrer))this.all=!0,this.reasons.add("all_email");try{this.checkCommandQueue(),null!==document.querySelector(".tag-novideo")&& Your gift is not the only thing that I am grateful for. Thank you for caring if they grow up into strong people who understand right and wrong. If the information we provide above is not enough, you may find more below here. Let your dad know that youre grateful for his affection and sacrifices. In the last two weeks, theres been a lot of big feelings in our home. If you have ever been in this situation, consider sharing your gratitude with the other parent in a special thank-you message. 'Her View From Home' is the Registered Trademark of Her View From Home, LLC, Yeah, but is this book for me? Thank you for silly voices, sillier stories, tickle wars and the goofy fun that only a dad can provide. Required fields are marked *. Thank you for letting them hug you as big and tight as they can whenever they want. Make sure to share with your loved ones as well as the person taking care of your child. e=2;e

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