Let's wrap up January with some great community posts about pipelines and organization moves! For the purposes of using an SP like a service account, the application it creates as part of the process sits unused and misunderstood. Best practices and the latest news on Microsoft FastTrack, The employee experience platform to help people thrive at work, Expand your Azure partner-to-partner network, Bringing IT Pros together through In-Person & Virtual events. Creating a service principal. These are two fundamentally different things, always check which ID you need when it is being requested. They shouldnt have more permissions than they need. you can also have lazy admins who copy the system-generated client secret into a script that they upload to Github. Once created, switch back to the Azure Virtual Machine, select. Once the certificate is selected we can see the Thumbprint of the certificate in the Azure Portal as well. Consider a webapp with LDAP authentication. Meaning the service principal determines the permissions the process will get after a sign-in. As a result of the above command, the service principal was created with these values below. The result is shown in the screenshot below. The ObjectID is a unique value for an application object. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. From this point forward we can use this service principal and are able to connect based on a certificate and client secret connection. Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=WebserverServiceAccount,OU=Service Accounts,OU=IT,DC=ad,DC=company,DC=com: Theyre typically used interchangeably. Using service accounts allowed us to avoid embedding our own network usernames and password into these automation tasks. We get it. Even when I do know the 3 values (AppID, TenantID and Cert Thumbprint) and dont have the actual certificate installed with its private key I wont be able to connect. Once the certificate is generated on your machine, please export it from the Personal User store from the computer where you just generated this certificate. Identify modifications to service principal credentials or authentication methods, Detect the user who consented to a multi-tenant app, and detect illicit consent grants to a multi-tenant app, - Run the following PowerShell to find multi-tenant apps, Use of a hard-coded shared secret in a script using a service principal, Tracking who uses the certificate or the secret, Monitor the service principal sign-ins using the Azure AD sign-in logs, Can't manage service principal sign-in with Conditional Access, Monitor the sign-ins using the Azure AD sign-in logs, Contributor is the default Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) role, Evaluate needs and apply the least possible permissions. The command above converts the secured string value of $sp.Secret to plain text. Thanks for the time you spent sharing your knowledge. ARM templates for Azure is hard. Instead of logging in to Azure PowerShell using a user account, the code below uses the service principal credential instead. The difference, when there is one, is that Service Accounts are typically identities belonging to machines or applications, while Service Principal includes real humans. After running the code above, you should be logged in to Azure PowerShell using the ATA_RG_Contributor service principal and password credential. stronger passwords with Specops Password Policy. Now when we go back to the App Registration of the service principal we have created and again go to Certificates & Secrets we can hit Upload Certificate. Most relevant to Service Principal, is the Enterprise apps; according to the formal definition, a service principal is An application whose tokens can be used to authenticate and grant access to specific Azure resources from a user-app, service or automation tool, when an organization is using Azure Active Directory. Now we do know that a lot of applications are already using Service Principals, but we can of course create one and consume it for our own needs. why do we need full access to service principal. Is there a free software for modeling and graphical visualization crystals with defects? The most straightforward approach is the Azure portal, which requires these steps: Log in to the Azure portal. Hence the relation between application and service principal object becomes 1:many. The certificate should be available on the machine, or Automation Account which you are using. Instead, we recommend managed identities, or service principals, and the use of Conditional Access. via the certificate or client secret which we have just created. It's the identity of the application instance. An Azure service principal can be assigned just enough access to as little as a specific single Azure resource. objectId will be a unique value for application object and each of the service principal. In this example we are going to use application permissions, therefore select Application permissions. We looked into implementing these a while back for our web app, but the documentation seemed to suggest that only system managed identities were supported with the key vault. While in the best scenario a service principal exist of an AppID, TenantID and Cert Thumbprint. The Azure CLI command to create a Service Principal is shorted and on creation the randomly generated password is displayed on screen. Enter a name for the application (the service principal name). But again, there are no means to secure service principals any further. Working with Azure Service Principal Accounts. Yeah, if people are going to the trouble of hacking the memory of my machines, then all bets are off, lol. This app registration requires a service principal to represent it within an Azure AD tenant so that the application can access resources secured by Azure AD. The service principal object defines what the application can actually do in your tenant, who can access the app, and what resources the app can access. Automation tools and scripts often need admin or privileged access. Select App registrations and + New registration. This name is displayed as well in the logs so make sure its recognizable for others as well. Remember that a User Assigned Managed Identity is a stand-alone Azure Resource, which needs to be created first, after which you can assign it to another Azure Resource (our VM in this scenario). You can create service principals either within the Azure portal or using PowerShell. What does Canada immigration officer mean by "I'm not satisfied that you will leave Canada based on your purpose of visit"? For Redirect URI select Web and enter any URL you want; it doesn't have to be real or work. Some might say that service principals are service accounts for the cloud. This can be a self-signed certificate. Once youve made sure that the certificate is in the personal user store, lets connect to the Microsoft Graph with the following PowerShell cmdlets: Import-module Microsoft.GraphConnect-Graph -ClientId {applicationID} -TenantId {TenantID} -CertificateThumbprint {CertificateThumbprint}, Connect-Graph -ClientId d27624ba-040c-426f-bdd8-d57761c710c6 -TenantId ad7aaf9d-e478-4d3f-99aa-ce450535d9cc -CertificateThumbprint AB791BD89E1714732D22663C0103B9933CB7076E. Log in with a service principal Like, provisioning storage accounts or starting and stopping virtual machines at a schedule. Navigate to the Azure portal. When we create a service principal in Azure AD,It creates two resources : 1) Service Principal in App Registration 2) Service Principal in Enterprise Application Application Id for both is same but object Ids are different ? You protect by only allowing those permissions from specific places. After you understand the purpose, scope, and permissions, create your service account, use the instructions in the following articles. The first thing to get is the ID of the ATA resource group. And, to confirm the security measures in terms of API permissions, Im not able to retrieve any groups from the Azure Active Directory. (NOT interested in AI answers, please). Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. We are now ready to use the service principal in PowerShell scripts based on the above permissions. See, Create servicePrincipal. If you mean that a random user could login as the service, they would still need the password, and presumably I won't be writing it on a post-it note next to my monitor. Fair, but security is like an onion. A service principal is created in each tenant where the application is used and references the globally unique app object. $TenantId = ad7aaf9d-e478-4d3f-99aa-ce450535d9cc$ApplicationId = d27624ba-040c-426f-bdd8-d57761c710c6$ServicePrincipalClientSecret = ConvertTo-SecureString -String Cw2DiqRvF67O_iz8p5h~Q3~hQ6hQb4K~Th -AsPlainText -Force$AzureADCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($ApplicationId, $ServicePrincipalClientSecret). yes, you CAN create a service account with a very strong password and implement policies that disallow it from accessing the GUI, but how likely is a typical azure user going to actually do. This as the App Registration is simply a different object in your Azure AD, however both objects belong to the same application in Azure AD as you can see. Each application you see in the Enterprise Applications overview in Azure AD can therefore be referred to as a service principal. The code below creates the self-signed password in the personal certificate store with the name CN=VSE3_SUB_OWNER. These accounts are frequently used to run a specific scheduled task, web application pool or even SQL Server service. What do you mean by "pass the hash on the service account to get an interactive shell"? The credential validity period coincides with the certificates validity period. Then click Register. The Azure service principal has been created in the previous section, but with no Role and Scope. Why is there such a strong recommendation against user accounts as service accounts in AAD? Confirm the scopes service accounts request for resources, If an account requests Files.ReadWrite.All, evaluate if it needs File.Read.All, Ensure you trust the application developer, or API, with the requested access, Limit service account credentials (client secret, certificate) to an anticipated usage period, Schedule periodic reviews of service account usage and purpose, Ensure reviews occur prior to account expiration, Azure AD Sign-In Logs in the Azure portal, Service accounts not signed in to the tenant, Changes in sign-in service account patterns, Don't set service principal credentials to, Use certificates or credentials stored in Azure Key Vault, when possible, Determine service account review cycle, and document it in your CMDB, Communications to owner, security team, IT team, before a review, Determine warning communications, and their timing, if the review is missed, Instructions if owners fail to review or respond, Disable, but don't delete, the account until the review is complete, Instructions to determine dependencies. Yes, they can login via the GUI with the service account if they really want to (which might actually be a useful thing sometimes). The code below uses the New-AzRoleAssignment cmdlet to assign the owner role to the VSE3 subscription of the service principal. If you are using older APIs I would strongly recommend you to move to the Microsoft Graph API where possible. Set an expiration date for credentials that prevents them from rolling over automatically. The official Microsoft docs strongly discourage the practice of user accounts employed as service accounts. Of course, it is! Running the code above in PowerShell will in turn store the credential object to the $PasswordCredential variable. Select new registration. The code below uses the New-AzRoleAssignment cmdlet to assign the scope and role of the Azure service principal. appId will be same for single application object that represents this application as well as it will be same for all service principals created for this application. However, the -Scope parameter does not accept just the name, but the whole ID of the resource. Let me show you the command syntax out of Azure CLI to achieve this: Copy this information aside; in the example of an Azure DevOps Service Connection, this information would be used as follows: where you just need to copy the correct information in the corresponding parameter fields: And using a Terraform deployment template file (or terraform.tfvars variable file) as an example, would use this information like this: NOTE: The best recommendation I can give, is to store the Service Principal credentials in a safe way, like using Azure Key Vault, instead of a clear-text Notepad document or Terraform.tf file. The ApplicationID represents the global application and is the same for application instances, across tenants. In this article, youve learned how to create Azure Service Principals all by using PowerShell. The whole idea is to make every successful attack as low-impact as possible. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Since this is a service account that won't see interactive use, presumably we can generate a strong random password for it, so the level of security should be the same. Read more For that we first need to provide the service principal the right access permissions. Therefore hit Grant admin consent for . In simple terms service principal is an application, whose tokens can be used by other azure resources to authenticate and grant access to azure resources. This means that you can use it to connect to Azure without using a password. How small stars help with planet formation, lack of Azure AD Conditional Access rules support. Once you or the script has finished, you can easily run the following command to disconnect from the Microsoft Graph API. What makes them different though, is: They are always linked to an Azure Resource, not to an application or 3rd party connector They are automatically created for you, including the credentials; big benefit here is that no one knows the credentials. Very timely as just last week I was discussing with a junior member of the team the importance of using Service Principals and Managed Identitiesgreat read! For example, you can create an Azure service principal that has role-based access to an entire subscription or a single Azure virtual machine only. To do that, use the code below. Review communications and reviews. Copy the code below and run it in your Azure PowerShell session. Please hit Yes to confirm the admin consent approval. If you can't use a managed identity, grant a service principal enough permissions and scope to run the required tasks. to me, they're just accounts like other. In this example, a new service principal will be created with these values: As you can see, the scope of this new service principal is only for the virtual machine named AzVM1. To do that, use the code below but make sure to change the value of the -Name parameter to your resource group name. Below screenshot shows what it looks like for an Azure Web App Resource: To complete the sample scenario, lets go back to Azure Key Vault, and specify another Access Policy for this User Assigned Managed Identity: After saving the changes, the result is that now both the Azure Virtual Machine as well as the Web App having the User Assigned Managed Identity assigned to them can read our keys and secrets from Azure Key Vault. If random users are logging in as service accounts, you have bigger problems. Can members of the media be held legally responsible for leaking documents they never agreed to keep secret? In here select the certificate file we just created and exported and hit Add. Thus the SP can be assigned as a Storage Blob Data Reader, or as a Key Vault Secrets User. To log in via PowerShell it is slightly more complex and requires a bit more code. But whats the alternative? Once done hit Add Permissions. Always make sure to save the service principals password because there is no way to recover it if you were not able to save or have forgotten it. Now that the certificate is created, the next step is to create the new Azure service principal. Then, you should see the ResourceID of the resource group that is now stored in the $Scope variable. You should note that not called create, the Virtual Machine Administrator Login is an RBAC built-in role, which defined by Azure, the Owner just assigns the user/service principal as a Virtual Machine Administrator Login role at some scope (e.g. An Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) service principal is the local representation of an application object in a tenant or directory. Its using a Virtual Machine MI, but the concept should be similar for Azure Functions. Notice how I intentionally avoided using a web API as an example there? strong random password for a service account. Provisioning and management of Azure resources. If you use PowerShell to retrieve those the cmdlet is Get-AzureADServicePrincipal, this will display all Enterprise Applications within the Azure AD. An Azure Service Principal can be created using any traditional way like the Azure Portal, Azure PowerShell, Rest API or Azure CLI. You must log in or register to reply here. Azure Managed Identity, Service Principal, SAS token and Account Key Usage When to use which authentication service to access Azure resources. And in a somehow similar way, you would use the same concept from about any other third party solution, keeping in mind that the technical parameter field names might differ a bit from what the Azure CLI command provides as output. I really appreciate the time that you took to explain this topic. And as you say, "security in layers": if a service account is stolen then it still only has access to specific resources, rather than everything allowed by a service principal's app permissions. Specify the Resource Group, Azure Region and Name for this resource. Azure Technical Trainer, WorldWide Learning, Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community 2021.01.29, Project Bicep Next Generation ARM Templates, Login to edit/delete your existing comments, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/tutorial-windows-vm-access-cosmos-db, https://yourazurecoach.com/2020/08/13/managed-identity-simplified-with-the-new-azure-net-sdks/, Subscription Id = can be found from the Azure CLI under /subscriptions/xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx format, Subscription Name = can be found from your Azure Portal / Subscriptions; make sure you use the exact name as is listed, Service Principal Id = appId from the Azure CLI output, Service Principal Key = password from the Azure CLI output, Tenant ID = tenant from the Azure CLI output, First, Someone needs to create the Service Principal objects, which could be a security risk, Client ID and Secret are exposed / known to the creator of the Service Principal, Client ID and Secret are exposed / known to the consumer of the Service Principal, Object validity is 1 or 2 years; Ive been in situations where I deployed an App, which after one year stopped working (losing the token, which means no more authentication possibilities), From the Azure Portal, select the Virtual Machine; under settings, find, From the Azure Virtual Machine blade, navigate to, This will prompt for your confirmation when saving the settings. See, Create a location-based Conditional Access policy, More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Application and service principal objects in Azure AD, Application and service principal relationship in Azure AD, Azure AD workbook to help you assess Solorigate risk, How to use managed identities for App Service and Azure Functions, Create an Azure AD application and service principal that can access resources, Use Azure PowerShell to create a service principal with a certificate, Create a location-based Conditional Access policy, Access reviews for service principals assigned to privileged roles, Manual check of resource access control list using the Azure portal. Whenever Azure services need to work together, there are secrets involved, as well as service accounts. 83% of compromised passwords satisfy password length & complexity If thats not the case the logon will fail. This consent creates a one-to-many relationship between the multi-tenant application and its associated service principals. Not really anything special. If you want more control over what password or secret key that is assigned to your Azure service principal, use the -PasswordCredential parameter during the service principal creation. Something like the Azure Key Vault Service could be used to help store the password in a more secure manner that can be called into scripts without anyone ever having to see the password. The tenant secures the service principal sign-in and access to resources. Managed Identities are in essence 100% identical in functionality and use case than Service Principals. As with users, groups, and other resources, the ObjectID helps to identify an application instance in Azure AD. For example, in the image below, you can see that the AzVM_Reader service principal now has Reader access to the AzVM1 virtual machine. Wait for the deregistration of the object. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Pro-tip: When using Azure Automation, always remember to save your client secret as an encrypted value in your Automation account to make sure it cannot simply be copy/pasted out. Via the app registration I can specifically determine the permissions the service principal needs, instead of over commiting permissions to a service account. Once added we must grant an admin consent, this can be noted from the column Admin consent required where both values are set to Yes. How can you use a privileged credential with a limited scope that doesnt have to be excluded from multi-factor authentication? Using a client secret You can compare a client secret to a long & complex password which is generated for you. Consider the alternative of a service principal: Both require some kind of secret to authenticate, whether a user password or client secret. Lets first gather the required crucial information from the service principal itself. The terms application and service principal are used interchangeably, when referring to an application in authentication tasks. The most common ones are Users and Groups, but you can also have Applications in there, also known as Enterprise Apps. Its up to you to discover them as you go. In this example, the service principals display name is VSE3_SUB_OWNER, and the certificate name is CN=VSE3_SUB_OWNER. An important take away, as also mentioned before, is the advice to always prefer a certificate above a client secret as thats more secure. Typical use cases where you would rely on a Service Principal is for example when running Terraform IAC (Infrastructure as Code) deployments, or when using Azure DevOps for example, where you define a Service Connection from DevOps Pipelines to Azure; or basically any other 3rd party application requiring an authentication token to connect to Azure resources. Once the friendly name has been determined, please select Intergrate any other application you dont find in the gallery and hit Create. Next is to get the Base64 encoded value of the self-signed certificate and save it to the $keyValue variable. Confirm by clicking create and Wait for the resource creation to complete successfully. Once you or the script has finished you can easily run the following command to disconnect the PowerShell session. There is one major exception to this RBAC rule, and that is Azure Key Vault, which can be extended by using Key Vault Access Policies to define permissions, instead of Azure RBAC roles. Service account is replaced by another service account, Credentials expired, or the account is non-functional, and there arent complaints, If the account is active, determine how it's being used before continuing, For a managed service identity, disable service account sign-in, but don't remove it from the directory, Revoke service account role assignments and OAuth2 consent grants, After a defined period, and warning to owners, delete the service account from the directory. If you would ask my honest opinion, a client secret is less secure compared to a certificate but safer than using a regular service account. Once selected we can configure either Delegated or Application permissions, the difference between these two is quite simple. Now that you have the ID of the target scope, which is the ID AzVM1 virtual machine, you can use the command below to create the new service principal that has the reader role. domain\WebserverServiceAccount). 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