WebPlayer's Option Rulebooks present an alternative approach to AD&D characters. 1 s and 2s rolled on hit dice are considered 3s. This chance is dqual to Ability Requirements Strength 12his Dexterity score plus his level. Reaction Adjustment: This modifier is applied to ad10 to determine if a character is surprised by an unex-pected encounter. . Spell immunity: This grants those characters with ex-tremely high Knowledge scores protection from the spellsAbilitJy ScoresI' Wisdom 8 would be handsomeor beautiful, oerhaos even famous for Intuition 10 outstandinglooks (such as Helen of Troy).Dexterity 14 Willpower 6 Aim 12 Reaction Adjustment: This number modifies the Reac- Balance 16 Charisma 1 1 tion Roll made when a character interacts with NPCs and Leadership 10 intelligent creatures for the first time (see the DMG).Constitution 12 Appearance 12 Obnoxiousbehavior can negate bonusesfor a highAppear- Health 12 ance score, just as solicitous manners can overcome a Fmess 12 weakness. Players place the totals in the abilities of their choice. the ability to remember information. Start again. . The Mining Detedon Abilities (10): A character with this skill is familiar with mining, tunneling and stonwvork. Kobold PCs are unusual examplesstrong (and generally well-justified) prejudices they will of the race, but even the most pleasant kobolds are stillencounter in the world outside their band. A bonus with a sign 12-15 0 0makes an opponent easier to hit, while a penalty with a - +1 0 +5sign makes an opponent more difficultto strike. 7. . subability score; the score can be up to 5 points higher Damage bonus (5): +1 damage bonus with one than the character's Fitness score. The average life span for a gnome is 350 years. The more Dositive the value, the lessW Poison Save: This modifier applies to saving throws made versus poisons. . A dwarf also canbe multi-classed as a fighter/cleric or afighter/thief. may add a +1 bonus to his Armor Class.Half-ogres This hybrid comes from ogre and Humans can advance without limit in all human parents. It's woefully unbalanced and notoriously non-playtested, and adds almost nothing to the game except more clunkiness and unnecessary mechanical bits. Georg's Nyhedsbrev (Issue 5 - Nov 1995). Move Silently: This concerns only those rogue char- acters who have the move silently ability. Weight Allowance: This is the weight in pounds a char- Using the same scenario with the PLAYER'OS PTIONsys- acter can carry without being encumbered (see Encum- tem, the DM would call for a Musde check (Muscle score brance, chapter seven, for more information). As a result they also tend to be stronger. Below is a list of 20 sample eventsthat might have sent a character on alife of adventure. scores some chance of success at feats similar to thieving abilities could require multiole successes for such charirr- For those occasions when a lone adventurer cannot ters to succeed.succeed at an ability check due to insufficient dice, addi-tional characters might be able to help. 98% I L .4,4.,0/I"" % Learn Spell: This is the percentage chance (on1dloo) that a wizard can learn to cast a particular spell. The leonine body is covered with duskyally looking for entertainment They don't understandseri- golden fur, with a white underbelly, while the human halfousness or violence, and while they can fight with the best, tends toward a tawny skin tone and a slight catlike cast tothey're more likely to view a battle as just another kind of the face and eyes. WebThe 2.0 version added for inclusion Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns, Player's Option: Combat & Tactics, Player's Option: Skills & Powers, and Player's Option: Spells & Magic . . WebPlayer's Option - Skills & Powers (3rd Printing) - AD&D 2nd Ed - Noble Knight Games Role Playing Games Board Games War Games Minis & Games Magic & CCGs More Contact Back Role Playing Games All RPGs Recent Arrivals Publishers Sub-Categories Dungeons & Dragons Pathfinder Storyteller (World of Darkness) Call of Cthulhu Shadowrun RPG Magazines WebPlayer's Option: Skills and Powers is an interesting book - in several aspects. . Racial minimums and maxi-mums must be observed.Character Now that the cha ra c t er' s numbers haveBackgrounds been gener-ated, it's time to flesh out a ba6round.This PLAYER'OSPTIONbook introducesseveral new elements to developingcharacters' histories and personalities.Two of these elements, traits and disad-vantages, are detailed in chapter six.Briefly, traits are minor benefits or ad-vantages that players can purchasewithcharacter points. I played 3rd refused to buy 3.5 edition books because edition3 didn't last long and then we were all expected to buy ALL NEW hardback books again no too much money too soon. If you are using the character 17point system introduced in the previous chapter, this is the 18 8546number of bonus character points the charactergains whenbuying proficiencies. Or he could have been a priest killed in a disaster and rein- carnated into a new form-and he must start a career from Kidnapped: The character was kidnapped as a young scratch. [1] Spells & Magic is 192. . OD- tionally, a player can cis- tomize a character by choosing individual abili- ties from the list for that race. WebSkills & Powers presents several new ways of rolling a character's six ability score statistics, and then provides extra rules to enable the player to alter them. This SuggestedNWPs: To flee the criminals, the character mightfoe could be a businesscompetitor, a rival for a lover, a rel- need to learn disguise, reading lips, running, endurance,ative overcome by jealousy, or a villain the character de- ventriloquism, navigation, boat piloting, charioteering, andfeated but did not kill. Indeed, thedamage rolls. For some reason, all tats. WebPlayers Option: Skills & Powers 2154, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, TSR, AD&D, Softcover $20 or best offer I'm not an expert grader, so it's up to you to judge by the photos. 32Racial QequirementsTallfellow Racial Abilities Secret Doors Saving Throw Bonuses (10): Halflings have a highAttack bonus Stealth resistance to magical spells and poison. Satyrs have the head, torso,and arms of a human, Wemicwith the hind legs of a p a t Two sharp black hornsjut throughthe mrse,cudy hair on top of the head. These can be spent on variousthey cannot be multiilassed. Third, roll a die or flip a coin to see if the remaining subability score will be better or worse than the base score. . 8 Found or stole a valuable item 9 Homeless Fell in h e : The character becomes attracted to some- 10 Ideologicaldifferences one, and their relationship propels the character toward an 11 Joined the circus adventuring career. with Character PointsTable 18: Warrior Melee Attacks By level . 3. immunity to: fear. WebDungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns by Skip Williams. Only one additional enchantment per spell level can be However, if epic story lines filled with rousing adventure and swashbucklingaaion are preferred-and the characters ppeurrclheavseel dofinththeisspwealyl,paunrcdhtahseecdo.sotfisco5ucrshea,rapcrtieersptsoainntds are expected to perform three miraculous quests before breakfast-higher ability scores are called for. . Alaghi stand well over sixfeet tall and weigh more than 300 pounds. Generals andthose who can calm or incite a mob with a few words allhave good Leadershipscores. chosen, and the Racial Require- ments table consulted, modify the ChElracter Each race detailed below receives aability scores based on the Racial Adjustments table-and number of character points that can be k i n b spent on racial skills and other abilities.determine the subabilityscoresas perthe rules in chaptertwo. The spine is good. ByThe most noticeable feature of the rock gnome is his nose. . . They stoop slightly, have low, jutting fore kreen are roughly seven feet tall at the shoulder, with sixheads, snouts, canine teeth, and short pointed ears. Chapter Four (pages 4663) presents details on how the various character classes work in the Player's Option system. Cec-of curiosity. Strength, Dexterity, Resist charm (10): Paladins with this ability gain a +2 Wisdom Allowed Races: Human, elf, half-elfbonus to saving throws versus charm-like spells and abili-ties.SavingThrow Bonus (10): Paladinswith this ability gain The ranger is a hunter and a woodsman who lives in the wilderness. I've mentioned before that I settled on Second Edition D&D. Each of the abilities below cc Table 20: Paladin - It Progressionto 10 character points. Cold resistance (5): +1 bonus on saving throws vs. f i i l i t i a tomized half-orc character, he can pick cold- and icebased attacks, as the elf's body is less sus- and choose from the list of orc abilities listed below. Their skin tends or 10 character points; refer to the descriptions below.toward a greenish cast to tan, rather like some tree barks,and their eyes are blue or brown. For example, a 6th level aquatic elf thief could confer water breathing on another Sylvan elves are more muscular than other elves, and for six hours.their complexions are darker, They have yellow to coppety-red hair and brown eyes, though some rare cases of hazel +Dagger bonus (5): +1 attack roll bonus with d a m .or blue eyes are known. The player's option system (Also including the Skills and Powers, and Combat and Tactics books) combine to essentially make AD&D 2.5 Ed. level githzerai has a magic resistance of 30%. Detect new construction in stonework, 1-5 on 1d6.Determine stability (5): The character is an expert at More musdes (10): +1 to the Muscle subability score. . Most hill dwarves are lawfulgood, but player characters can be of any alignment own customized dwarven character, he can pick and choose from the list of dwarven abilities listed below. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance, and others. Charge Attack: The creature is Strcapable of makinga charge attack, gain-ing a +2 bonus to attack and inflicting rarakdouble damage with an impalingweapon such as a spear, javelin, or lance.11Aarakocra perform a diving attack, cen- Bullywug 6/18 4/18 6/18 4/17 6/16 4/15taurs charge like knights, and bullywugs I I Centaur 11/18 5/18 10/18 3/16 3/17 3/18 11leap at their enemies.b. can be of any alignment. Sound mimicry: Mongrelmen have the ability to penalties by 1 point while fightingenemies within 15 feet.perfectly imitate any sound they hear. Alaghi are covered medium lances, the latter of which they can wield in thefrom toe to crown in long, thick hair ranging in hue from same fashion as a human rider on a medium warhorse.charcoal gray to reddish brown. ter points. Table 7: Fincss FrneSS Hit Point Resurrection P ies: Health serves as the base number for -AdjustmentChance 40% such cies as Running. Gnomes The majority of deep gnomes are neutral with good ten-tend to live in hilly meadows and rocky woodlands. Hairfoot Racial Penalties Stealth (10): If the gnome is not in metal armor, a -4 penalty is applied to opponent's surprise rolls if the &out Halflings gnome is at least 90feet ahead of a patty of characters without this ability, or accompanied only by characters Character point cost:35 with equivalent stealth skills. Goblins slow and somewhat clumsy on land.are generally cowardly, opportunistic, and untrustworthy. . comfortable in water or out of it, but they are vulnerable toLike all true avians, aarakocra have hollow bones, and most dehydration once they leave their native swamps.weigh no more than 80 or 90 pounds. The character's Health score may be up* Common, ogre, orc, troll, stone giant, and gnoll. Topics. Psionics Design: Bill Slavicsek and Dale A. Donovan. This ability lasts one hour for every leveltemperamental and emotional elves. Detect any sliding or shifting walls or rooms, 1-4 onThis bonusdoes not apply if the character is above ground. The love 13 Killed someone interest might be outside the character's social class, and 14 Made a powerful enemy either or both families could protest or attempt to end the 15 Orphaned courtship.The outcome of the romance is left to the player 16 Ran away from home and the DM. Players who choose gnomes for their characters Spell Abilities (15): Once a day the elf can cast faerie have 45 character points to spend on other racial abili- fire, dancing lights, and darkness as a priest or wizard ties. Perhaps because they live so long,elves find it difficult to make friendswith the shorter-lived races. dancing, and disguise. Their short tem- mean-spiritedand spiteful from time to time.pers and bestial habits are not much help in dispelling thesebeliefs. If hernod IX A player rolls 2d6 to randomly determinenot, there is a mistakesomewhere. Generally, buying a package of abilities is the most efficient way to q x n d character points.-U This symbol represents unlimited dass advancement for dwra A member of this race cannot choose this dass. See the proficiencies section for Constitutionalso are desirable. Gnomes large, hollow trees. to 5 points higherthan his Fmesssubability score. . They also determine a character'sresistance to intoxicants, drugs, or poi-sons.Fitness: Fitness checks can be usedto gauge an adventurer's resistance tolonger-term hardships such as forcedmarches, food or water deprivation, andnon-lethal torture. Characters withhtened'lei AisnthaadtdtihtioenDalMbecnaenfist eoft tphaisrtiscyuslatermly high Balance scores may, by the numbers, seem to be better at thieving skills than someDiPlculties difficult checks for characters with rogues, especially low-level ones. The charac- subability score, due to his hardy heritage. . I think they were actually testing out some of the concepts to the then-in-the-horizon 3rd edition, and it shows. . PLAYER'S OPTION Rulebooks present an alternative approach to AD&D characters. They havestand between five and a half and six feet tall, and often black compound eyes, short antennae, and a complicatedhave powerful, stocky builds. Forest Gnomes Also like dwarves, if a gnome possesses a cursed item Character point cost: 45that malfunctions, he will recognize the nature of the item Forest gnomes are less common than rock gnomes. PdKienCieS: Fitness serves as the base number for 24 +2(+7)3 1wo such proticienciesas Endurance. All other character classes are limited to a +2 which shows a general level of education, experience, and maximum bonus per hit die. Or maybe the character fled on his own to protect others. Credits. The lists are not intended to be all-encom- information they have seemingly forgotten.passing, but simply guidelines of the uses of subabilitychecks. . 11 Defense bonus (10): +2 bonus to Armor Class if unar- mored and unencumbered. Cover art is by Jeff Easley and interior art is by Thomas Baxa, Doug Chaffee, Les Dorscheid, Jeff Easley, Ken Frank, and Eric Hotz. This ability does notfunction on items or locations.Detect secret doors (5): The half-ling can detect secret and concealeddoors, as an elfHide (10): the ability to hide inwoods with a chance equal to a thiefof the same level's hide in shodowsability.Health bonus (10): +1 to the half-ling's Healthsubabhy score.lnfravision (5): lnfravisionwith a 30'range, which indicates some stoutblood in the characteh lineage.Mining Detection Abilities (5): Acharacter with this skill is familiarwith mining, tunneling and stone-work. After all, every charac-ter needs some reason to live such adangerous life. Like many Most alaghi live as semi-nomadic huntergatherers.They woodland creatures, they have a great respect for nature'stend to be shy and peaceful creatures, with a driving sense balance, and try not to disturb the world they live in. First, generate the basic ability score; for example, Leon rolls 3d6 for his character's Strength score and gets a 13.
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