Destruction of the dam would have significantly affected the functioning of the country's electrical grid and could cause major flooding downstream from the dam. The Marines convinced Farouk to establish a resurgent police force, with he as the chief. Flying in broad daylight, the flight arrived at the dam less than an hour after Feldbusch went down. Significant actions, or SIGACTS Marine terminology for attacks went from over 300 per month to less than six. Stores opened. Another mortar team, firing from a small island, was engaged and silenced by a Ranger Javelin team. Joyce Shannon, Neighbors seek to help soldier injured in combat in Iraq,. We were racked out just a few hours when one of our men on guard reported a truck approaching with a DShK heavy machine gun mounted on it. Best of all, reinforcements, initially in the form of a pair of M1A1 Abrams tanks, finally began to arrive. After the "Black Hawk Down" battle in Mogadishu in 1993, Night Stalkers, both pilots and crew, have carried more lethal personal weaponry, including sidearms and M4 rifles. The explosion had sent an artillery fragment into SPC Jeremy Feldbuschs face, penetrating the right orbital lobe. - May 12, 2010. A man stepped out indicating to his apparently pregnant wife inside and held up empty water bottles. Battle of Haditha Dam: The saga comes to an end. While the vast majority of the roughly 230,000 Coalition troops came from the south, a small special-operations contingent was sent to take a key strategic objective close to the Iraqi capital. By April 6, 2003, reinforcements, including a brace of Abrams main battle tanks, began to arrive. George jumped on a machine gun mounted on the back of one of the Gauers and traded automatic fire with the truck. Mar 23. There were no more than 150 American commandos on the dam during the battle, with a few dozen more at the nearby airfield. Sniper attacks and ambushes by insurgent bands armed with machine guns and rocket propelled grenades erupted throughout region. Even better, by April 10, USAF C-17s were flying in Civil Affairs and engineering personnel to bring the dams generators back on-line, with the help of the civilian employees captured on April 1. White soon realized that clearing the administrative building would take at least three hours. Knowing that the Night Stalkers had stayed long beyond the protection of darkness, he released them with gratitude. On 30 March, Captain (CPT) David Doyle led B Company, and the attached section of 120 mm heavy mortars, from H1 to a remote desert landing strip (DLS) for refuel on the way to a remain-over-day (ROD) site. The plan called for quick action, and Doyle projected the operation to last less than twenty-four hours.2, Believing they only had two hours to prepare, platoon leaders and squad leaders further defined their units missions and disseminated the plan for coordination. NOW WATCH: What the US needs to do to prevent a new ISIS in Iraq. All Rights Reserved. The Marines fought an army of phantoms on a battlefield of shadows. The company arrived at the ROD site just as the sun welcomed a new day. Weather, including sandstorms, began reducing visibility and interfering with the Night Stalkers' flying, but on the third day, an MH-47 Chinook helicopter braved enemy fire and resupplied the Rangers, who were approaching 72 hours under fire on what was planned as a 24-hour operation. The next battalion to occupy the region, the First Battalion of the Third Marine Regiment, didnt suffer a single loss of life. Thompson took twenty men from 3rd Platoon and began the arduous task of clearing fifteen stories and over one hundred offices. Mar 02. Stopping short because the position was still under attack, the Rangers left their vehicle behind a three-foot concrete wall and traveled the final hundred meters on foot. Bonaparte the Bookworm Napoleon Was An Avid Reader; So What Were His Favourite Books? They also distributed flyers that they had made using an old ditto machine they found in an abandoned warehouse. The invasion of Iraq in March 2003 was marked by a. Delta Force recce operators drove through Iraqi lines around the Haditha Dam on customised ATVs, marking targets for Coalition airstrikes resulting in the eventual destruction of a large number of Iraqi armored vehicles and antiaircraft systems. Each day the AQI attacks became worsemore sustained and deadly and indiscriminate; insurgents targeted both Marines and civilians. The Herculean task of clearing nine floors of ten offices each, a control room, locked bathrooms, and balconies, rested solely on Whites section of approximately twenty Rangers. Relating the incident later, Cpl. He got hit and we circled wagons and handed the Iraqis their asses with support from the air. In fact, the Thirds time in Haditha would prove to be the single deadliest deployment for a Marine battalion since that of the October, 1983 Beirut barracks bombing that killed 220. We sent a hundred guys, and they had like a battalion, so we were outnumbered. The Marines fought back hard. The Iraqi dictator's claims that the US would target and destroy the dam complicated matters further. 1st Platoon continued working two buildings dubbed CAS 1 and CAS 2, from which the bulk of the enemy force had rallied and attacked. The bomb obliterated the attackers, and shattered every window in the dam complex. As the sun illuminated the surrounding terrain, sniper SSG Ronnie Jones (pseudonym) spotted Iraqis shooting rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) from the west side of the river, 990 meters away. The cost of the line was US$56.7 million and was paid by Iraq's oil revenues. But a small special-operations contingent was sent to an objective close to the Iraqi capital. Two nights later we headed east toward Tikrit traveling longer than we should have into dawn, passing a Bedouine camp in the process. After a seven-month deployment to the Triad, Marines of the Third Battalion, Third Marine Regiment, or 3/3, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Norman Norm Cooling, began preparing to return to their home base at Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Once everybody was refueled and positioned, the convoy of seventeen vehicles and 140 Rangers penetrated the moonless night. Chief flew an escort mission that night for his own teammate Ranger Tony Ely, who was tasked to fly his MH-6 scout helo to the dam to deliver a surveillance drone and operator to the Rangers so they could get long eyes downrange. The ensuing four-day battle was the single largest engagement of the entire war, with 22 Iraqi troops engaged for each US commando present. The dam after the battle. Platoon leaders furiously took notes as Doyle laid out the plan on his map, and the group surveyed the available imagery. SPC Alan floored the gas pedal and drove out of the kill zone on four flat tires. Hearing the attack on SPC Alan and CPL Gale to the south, SFC Lauder called his platoon leader for reinforcements. As the battle rages on, a young medic must face his fears when his skills are put to the test in order to save the life of a teammate. Dividing 2nd Platoon into two elements, 1LT White led one section toward the western administrative tower, and his platoon sergeant, Sergeant First Class (SFC) Jeffrey Duncan, led the other eastward across the causeway. The Battle of Haditha Dam: Mowing Iraqis down like bowling pins. Thank you. As the force moved forward, one GMV took a wrong turn and wound up getting badly shot up, with the driver wounded but still in action. THROUGHOUT THE WAR in Iraq, the news media focused primarily on actions in the Baghdad region, and to a lesser extent on the outlying battles in the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi. As the battle rages on, a medic must face his fears and put his skills to the test in order to save his teammate. CPT Doyle briefed his plan to the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) pilots and tweaked the fire support plan. Back at the FARP Chief refueled and reloaded immediately, ready to spring from Serpent to re-engage with any froggy Arabs. But there was a major Iraqi base, a division-size force, in the town of Haditha that was home to Fedayeen, Republican Guards and Iraq regular army," Coker said. One of the largest dams in the world, the Haditha complex provided fully one-third of the Iraqi electrical grid load in 2003. As American and coalition forces focused on Baghdad and the nearby cities of Fallujah and Ramadi, AQI would retreat to the relative safety of the Triad to rest, train, regroup and plan new attacks. Back up on top of the dam, 1st and 2nd/B were in their blocking positions and working on fortifying their various points of fire when the Iraqis facing them finally began to come to life. The MH-6 had a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) camera to paint targets for the two AH-6s. Sergeant First Class James Lauder (pseudonym), B Company, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, interview by David Jenkins, 23 October 2003, Fort Benning, GA, tape recording, USASOC History Office Classified Files, Fort Bragg, NC. Yet one of the greatest Americanand Iraqivictories in the long conflict occurred in the little-reported Haditha Triad region of western Iraqs Al Anbar Province. OBJ Lynx, Haditha. An investigation of the massacre of 24 men, women and children in Haditha, Iraq allegedly shot by 4 U.S. Marines in retaliation for the death of a U.S. Marine killed by a roadside bomb. W hen militants in Iraq made their . The time: 1730 hours. The Rangers called in airstrikes, which hit the structures with a total of 20 bombs. The numbers in that fight were calculated out to be 1:22. By The message was unmistakable: Work with American forces to re-establish order, and this will be your fate. On the fourth day of the battle, the Rangers suffered their first casualties in an attack that foreshadowed the coming insurgency. What to know. Chief Greg Gravy Coker, Night Stalkers, 75th Rangers, and Delta Force held off a vastly superior force of Iraqi Republican Guard and Fedayeen fighters for seven days. . Nevertheless, power continues to be generated, and road traffic passes over the Euphrates River every day. 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Enraged by this loss, his young Marine buddies carry out a brutal retaliation. positions. Task Force Merrill January 30, 2016 41min TV-14 Local government began functioning again. U.S. Army photo. 3rd/B also arrived, and the pressure finally began to ease. Fortunately, the Rangers had ample close air support, and passed the fire mission to the A-10 Thunderbolt (Warthog) pilots. Support Veteran Journalism . The 160th is constantly training with Army SOF units Rangers and Delta. Having made enemy contact, the Rangers were on alert and ready for further conflict. The Haditha Dam also controlled the flow of the Euphrates into the lower Euphrates/Tigris River Valley. As they stepped near, the couple detonated a Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) which instantly killed Russ and the two Rangers. Returning to the ROD site, CPT Doyle assembled his First Sergeant, MAJ Kilburn, and SFC Stanley Morgan (pseudonym), the fire support noncommissioned officer, to develop a plan. Read all Director Nick Broomfield Writers Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. The Rangers quickly repelled the initial assault, but, as the morning passed, indirect fire increased. In true Ranger fashion, the section methodically cleared the building by kicking down doors, blowing off locks, and placing items with potential intelligence value into the hallways. Mar 23. Mideast Water Wars: In Iraq, A Battle for Control of Water Conflicts over water have long haunted the Middle East. With 1st Squad leader SSG Jesse Ragan in the lead, three vehicles and twenty-seven Rangers maneuvered down the steep embankment into Objective Cobalt. But for that, I would almost certainly be dead.. Duncan radioed CPT Doyle, relayed the situation, and requested permission to recover the wounded Iraqis. On 2 April, Delta was engaged by half a dozen armed technicals from the same . There, like a cornered, wounded animal, they would put up their final fight. Soon after the sniper had been taken care of, two more Rangers discovered three armed and dazed guards in an apparently unmanned shack. US troops have also seized a dam at Haditha, northwest of Baghdad, which he said could have been used to 'flood the Euphrates River leading . One particularly pesky mortar position, on an island about 2,000 yards behind the dam, was taken out with a Javelin anti-tank missile, along with a pair of 1,000-pound bombs. The senior employee of the group expedited the search for demolitions by guiding a squad to key locations within the facility. 616K views 1 year ago #TheWarfighters Iraq 2003: A group of U.S. Army Rangers fights to seize control of Haditha Dam - a key location in Operation Iraqi Freedom - when they realize they are. Faircount Media Group. During the 2003 invasion of Iraq, United States Army Rangers seized the Haditha Dam on 1 April in order to prevent it from being destroyed. Late on the April 1, Doyle was informed that the expected relief forces would be delayed, and he would have to hold until relieved. While clearly facing a tough job, Doyle was not without means to hold on. Marines of all companies kept up the pressure on AQI, and simultaneously worked to rebuild the civic infrastructure that was decimated by AQI. As day four began, Ranger Company A was sitting in blocking positions and conducting perimeter security and reconnaissance. Seeing that I had not been hurt, I got back onto my weapon and helped get us out of there. Destruction of the dam would have significantly affected the functioning of the country's electrical grid and could cause major flooding downstream from the dam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Read Next: The Battle of Haditha Dam: The beer is on us! Captain Brad Thompson, C Company, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, interview by Dr. Charles H. Briscoe, 23 October 2003, Fort Benning, GA, tape recording, USASOC History Office Classified Files, Fort Bragg, NC. One man stood in front of an apparent propane tank with an RPG, and the two others were standing behind the tank. The Rangers pushed it the final fifty meters to safety. Ordering his 1st squad to lay down suppressive fire, the other two squads moved up and took a number of the guard force personnel prisoner. The Rangers located the guards, rendered first aid, and carried them up to the top of the dam, all while still under attack from the south. However, the Rangers proved their effectiveness as a strike force by fighting and winning a fierce week-long battle to prevent any such strategic delay, or humanitarian or environmental disaster. We had already hit Objective Serpent and were up at Lynx calling for fire at Haditha dam until Greg Ironhead Birch showed up with a whole battalion of Rangers he really knows how to show up to a fight proper. The Target. Brad Thompson ordered the platoon to regroup before renewing the assault. Star Jared Shaw The MH-6 also acted as bait to draw enemy fire so the two attack birds could pounce. "We had no warning we'd be facing such a fierce response from the Iraqis none whatsoever," retired Chief Warrant Officer 4 Greg Coker told Insider. Russ was there with the Rangers when a car pulled up several meters from the barricade. The Triad would become one of the most violent places in the war, as the terrorist network oppressed the local citizenry and lashed out at American forces deployed to the region. Amazingly, Alan escaped with only a gunshot wound to his toe, and Gale was unhurt.13, Last in the movement order, 1st Platoon established two blocking positions across the road leading to the dam complex. I think I just laid down in the corner of the position and stayed there for a while; how long I just dont know. As the fire support officer and two troops neared the vehicle, the Iraqi couple detonated an improvised explosive device, killing themselves and all three Rangers. That night, the Night Stalkers fired ordnance as close as 12 meters from the Rangers. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. For the Fallen A Co, 3/75 Rangers, CPT Russell Rippetoe/FSO, SSG Nino Livaudais, SPC Ryan Long. He was a good man, a damned-good man and well all miss him forever. A helicopter flies over the Haditha Dam, which provides electricity for a third of Iraq. As CPT Brad Thompson was moving forward to the lead vehicle, team leader SSG Pete Corrigan (pseudonym) tossed a grenade and yelled, Frag out! The fragmentation grenade exploded, illuminating the objective and enough Iraqis to cause the platoon to pull back long enough to regroup. As the vehicle retreated, leaving a trail of oil behind it, another round hit MK19 gunner Corporal (CPL) Jon Gale (pseudonym) in his body armor, knocking him backwards. During the 2003 invasion of Iraq, United States Army Rangers seized the Haditha Dam on 1 April in order to prevent it from being destroyed. Lauder called in Little Bird attack helicopters for additional support. After four hours, 1LT White radioed CPT Doyle and reported that the building was clear. He remained on station until he was Bingo fuel and needed to return to the FARP at Objective Serpent. They even launched a SCUD missile at the airfield, but the Rangers and Night Stalkers there held them off. A hidden battery of Iraqi 155 mm howitzers also pounded the beleaguered Rangers for hours, prompting brief memories of the artillery barrages of World War I. Battalion leadership, seeing how members of AQI would slip into the Triad from the desert, then disperse to nearby safe areas, devised a plan that was quickly dubbed Three Bs it stood for berm, BAT and badge. On 1 April, C squadron, Delta Force and 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment conducted a night-time ground assault into the target on foot and in armored vehicles against the Haditha Dam complex. Iraq's Battleground Dams Are Key to Saving the Country from ISIS. These attacks would continue to come every 30 minutes for the next two days. Big-hearted Russ Rippetoe and two Rangers gathered some water bottles and brought them to the car. With a replacement flight of Little Birds providing reconnaissance, the Rangers breached the final barrier, racing to reach the dam before daylight broke. Based on their Afghanistan experience, the Rangers knew that a guy with a weapon did not actually indicate combatant status; everyone carried weapons, both militia and civilians. Chief came to be friends with the Fire Support Officer (FSO) of Company A, Captain Russ Rippetoe, in the time they spent working together to bring effective fire support to the Rangers. Platoon sergeant SFC James Lauder (pseudonym) led a squad to the south side of the road to clear buildings. By 3 April, the enemy mortar fire attacks had declined to one round every two hours. Feb 29. The turning point came after a series of atrocities committed by AQI insurgents fighters used local children as unwitting suicide bombers. I just saw this movie and found it very moving. An RPG, and this will be your fate to re-establish order, the. The Middle east made enemy contact, the Rangers pushed it the final fifty meters to safety the pedal... Tweaked the fire support plan sent to an objective close to the.! The message was unmistakable: Work with American forces to re-establish order, and passed the support. Support plan the company arrived at the FARP at objective Serpent mission to the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment SOAR! He got hit and we circled wagons and handed the Iraqis their asses with support from the Rangers ample... 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