If you want to start Zamia from seed, collect ripe seeds, remove flesh and direct seed in sandy soil, Other Zamia varieties are also very nice like Ceratozamia robusta from Mexico. Use soap to remove mealy bugs. They grow that fast. I have coonties that have only grown two new fronds in a year. This has occured in zone 10b (Davie, Fl) as well as 9b (Stuart, Fl), my current lcoation. ZZ plant is often used as a pseudo-bonsai. Cardboard palms grow best in full sun, meaning at least six hours of direct sunlight on most days. Florida native, Cardboard palm gets it's name from its tough, hard leaves. The leaves grow out of a thick, fleshy trunk that serves as a reservoir in times of drought. Hi Dutchlady,,, NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to I would gladly swap you cardboard palms for coontie's. Likewise, the plant doesnt require frequent grooming, with dying leaves being removed as needed. I posted this in the Palms & Cycads forum - two other posters said they experienced the same problem but had no answer. full sun to part shade (dioon prefers some shade). Art, Yippee, Art! Growing Zone: USA: 8 to 11; UK Hardiness H1 - Under glass / outdoors in containers in the summer. An example is that now I have a dead Washingtonia Robusta and a majour nursery in Lexington, SC will not respect their one year warranty (that ends in a few days) and will not replace the dead one with a good one. It contains cycasin that interferes with the nervous and digestive systems. Zamia floridana OK Kids, here it is. important role as easy-care plants that provide elegant form and The meaning of COONTIE is any of several tropical American woody cycads (genus Zamia) whose roots and stems yield a starchy foodstuff called also arrowroot. LOL Glad these Coonties are worth popping in the ground. Jacksonville, Florida, where I and BotanyGuy are located, is Zone 8b/9a borderline. Sago palm ( Cycas revoluta ), also known as coontie palm, cardboard palm, cycads and zamias, is a common plant found outdoors in tropical/subtropical areas. A cardboard palm can grow 5 feet tall and wide, though it takes many years. Cardboard plant, known scientifically as Zamia furfuracea, has been around since the time of the dinosaurs and remains a great plant for Florida landscapes. These palms are dioeciousmeaning that there are both male & female plants. These plants will grow very fast. Quick Facts: Cardboard Palm Identifying Characteristics be notified of plants, please click here for details of advise you when you buy a sago to use an oil spray such as neem oil on I will note you and attach a plant picture listing of my plants. Thanks. in all my outdoorsyness in fla, i have never seen a coontie in the wild. As they are susceptible to damage from ovipositing female Atala butterflies (atalas), young plants may need to be protected by covering them with tomato cages and netting. It can induce bloody vomiting and diarrhea, bleeding problems, liver failure, and death if consumed. They ship great. They grow close to the ground and produce a cone at the center of the plant. My female has dropped fruit twice and still going strong, and mine is only 2' across. Any ideas out there would be much appreciated! Thanks for any help. Drought tolerance: Very drought tolerant. It is an evergreen member of the Zamiaceae family (cycads). Same as Wollemia Nobilis (two plants died no matter what I did) its a finicky plant and I prefer plants that are easy to handle and grow well. But in case you didn't perhaps they came and ate it up and left before you noticed? Native Americans processed the large underground roots of coontie into a starchy flour. Washingtonia Palm Care: Everything You Need to Know, Baby Sun Rose Care: Everything You Need to Know, What Planting Zone is Illinois in? Cardboard palm has no distinguishing fragrance and produces a cone instead of flowers. Want to learn more about South Florida planting, watering, fertilizing and dealing with weeds and pests? Zamia pumila is native to the West Indies, Florida and Cuba, where its natural drought and salt tolerances enable it to thrive. with legendary ancient ancestry in the plant kingdom. The plant is toxic to humans and pets. Cardboard palms on the other hand are common down here are almost considered a nusiance plant. Mature female plants will produce cones which contain orange colored seeds when fully ripened. Keep the flats in a room with a temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 C) or higher and partial sunlight. Coontie. Keep these tips in mind, Are keepsakes cluttering your space and your life? This is a deadly plant and it only takes a small amount (two seeds) to make your dog ill, and just four seeds can be fatal. Common names: ZZ plant, aroid palm, African coontie, arum fern, cardboard palm. Fertilizer requirements: Apply a well-balanced, slow-release pelletized fertilizer according to manufacturer recommendations during the warm growing season. See our Gardening How-To section for answers! I don't think they will either. Hap And how to sow? For larger cycads, come away from the house about 3 feet or more. Leaflets along the petiole are arranged alternately. Wash the seed under running water to . Coontie palm is an easy plant to care for and does not require much maintenance. The Coontie, Zamia integrifolia, is Florida's only native cycad. Bought mine at LOWE'S (~$22). The native cycad is also the larvae of the uncommon Atala butterfly's main feeding source. The poisonous substance in the coontie palm are Beta-methylamino-alanine (BMAA), which is a neurotoxin that damages . Salt tolerance: Slight salt tolerance. Perhaps conditions in the first two years are key to the survival of a newly planted specimen. There are some 300 year old plants growing in Crystal River and I just saw one that was probably around 100 years old when I went to Cedar Key a couple of months ago.You could have a few problems, but I guess the first question would be did you dig the plants up and find the stem had rotted, or did you assume the plant was dead just because all the leaves browned out and died? Zamia pumila at Rare Plant Research, Oregon City photograph by Megan Hansen. Coontie is perfect for xeriscapes and as a low maintenance ground cover. To start though, an old plant in a habitat that allows them to get old can be as old as 300 years. Zamia augustifolia, Florida native, Cardboard palm gets it's name from its tough, hard leaves. The compound leaves grow from a thickunderground stem and unfurl like a fern. The most commonly used varieties are coontie palm (zamia pumila) and cardboard palm (zamia furfuracea) - pictured below - partly because they're two of the smaller cycad varieties. A blue-green algae on the roots is natural and a symbiotic relationship with the algae providing nitrogen for the Coontie. In young plants the stem is bulb-like, but develops into a stem or trunk as it grows older. Origin: Native to eastern Africa, Kenya, South Africa, and Tanzania. Loulu Palm Trees (Pritchardia spp.) My oldest and largest clump is my original plant. This is a Florida native plant and, of course, grows best in this state. 14 June 2018 Sago palms, also known as cycads, cardboard palms, fern palms and coontie plants, . D-mail me how many you want and include your mailing address. They are the happiest when they get around 4 to 6 hours of sunlight per day as this palm needs 80-100% sunlight. But, they are more rounded and have thick, tuberous stems. A great plant for shade or most applications with less than full sun, As other common names, this plant is referred to as Coontie, Conti, Koontie or Konti, Zamia floridana is a carefree plant that needs no fertilizers or added water after establishment in most Florida soils. It's one tough cookie - perfect for dry areas, cold tolerant, not choosy as to light - yet it provides an appealing fine-textured look. King sago palms can grow to 10 feet, but most seen in Florida landscapes today are generally less than 6 feet tall and wide. I'm not sure which one I have, but nurseries here sell them for $20 each. If you enjoy the information on this site, then you'll love my book: The Gardener's HQ Plant Growing Guide. Root rot may occur if ZZ plants are grown in poorly drained soil with excessive water for an extended period of time. Do coonties die after they produce seed? The female cones are elongate-ovoid and reddish. Roy Rogers Tampa, Fl. Posso rifiutare i cookie non necessari cliccando su "Imposta le preferenze". Watch for orange caterpillars that eat the coontie leaves in order to be distasteful to predators. I planted my seeds under the banana tree on top of the soil and then threw an extra helping of mulch and leaves on the seeds and they pop up pretty qucik, for coonties that is. produce their own cones. It takes them a while to get tall, but in a few years they can be three to four feet across. It is evergreen and grows 1-3 feet tall and intimewill form clumps. Looking forward to your dmail Highly drought tolerant, this Zamia is often used in xeriscape plantings, Folks also love the look of the red seeds we see mature around February in South Florida. It uses up all the starch in the stem providing for the seeds and the stem will collapse into itself to the point that all you have is the outside skin that is papery thin.Anyway, I could keep going, but chances are one of these possibilities is probably what you are experiencing. Because it grows very slowly, it can take several years to reach its full size. The trunk is also where the unique looking reproductive structures arise. The Coontie is native to Florida and is a low-maintenance plant that doesn't require much care. However, for those who wish to help with propagation, first remove offsets and transplant them into pots away from mother plants; as the parent plant emits a chemical that eliminates competing seedlings. COONTIE, OR ZAMIA INTEGRIFOLIA. Sago Palms are also known as Coontie Palm, Cardboard Palm, Kind Sago, Japanese Sago Palm, Zamias, and may even be unmarked. Temperature preference: Warm, tropical 65F90F. I lost a bigger one during a freeze in Titusville once, and it never came back, it didnt hurt the coonties or sagos. Although many people refer to cardboard plant as "cardboard palm," it isn't a true palm. Growing Conditions: Low maintenance and easy to grow. I have been growing Coonties for roughly 16 years. I couldn't believe how big your cardboard palm was. COMPANION PLANT SUGGESTIONS: Plant with other plants I was thinking we were in the same zone, although, I have never seen anyone growing cardboards or coonties here along the coast. "living fossils" since they have lived unchanged on earth - so the story At LOWE'S there were some with the round "root/body" (?) It adds tropical greenery to shady beds and enlivens indoor spaces when planted in containers. Cardboard Palm belongs to the Cycad family (cycad is greek for "palm" which many cycads resemble). See below Description Florida Arrowroot is a low-growing woody plant in the cycad family and is native to Florida. Once the second set of true leaves have appeared, and the roots are robust, the plant may be transferred to a pot. Cardboard plants are slow growing, but can reach up to 6 feet in diameter. Despite the common name of cardboard palm, the plant is a cycad. I have 3 cardboard palms in my backyard. I didn't mind paying the $20, because I wanted it so badly, but then, again, I don't want it to die, after paying that for such a small one. Cycad plants date back to the prehistoric era. For the larger cycads, plant at least 3 feet or more apart to allow for the expansive growth (eventually) of the long "fronds.". Like the sago, the coontie ( Zamia floridana) is a cycada group of palmlike plants that have been around so long that triceratops and stegasauruses ate them! Large stiff pinnately compound leaves 2-4 feet long with 5 to 30 pairs of leaflets. Symptoms and Types Symptoms seen with ingestion of sago palms include: Vomiting Blood in feces Bloody diarrhea Icterus (yellow coloration of skin and gums) Increased thirst Increased urine Bruising Bleeding easily (coagulopathy, DIC) Feed the plant using general palm food or slow-release fertilizer. If an unhealthy sago did this, it could die. As noted above, they are very slow to grow, at least in the early formative stage. Thank you. I agree about plopping down $20 for a plant you are not sure will work for you (or for just about any plant unless it is something I think that I've gotta have or can't face another day -- which turns out to be how I feel about most plants . LOL). I've had the same thing happen to a couple smaller coonties that I bought at a chain store. Looking forward to a good Coontie crop. The seeds are not edible and are toxic to touch. Send me your address and how many you want via Dmail and I will get them out to you on Monday or Tuesday, depending on how fast I get your reply. While I was moving the rocks I noticed a large coontie growing out from under the pile. I think the Florida Coontie is the one that needs a male and female plant to produce seed and not the "Cardboard" ' palms. They're salt-tolerant, drought-tolerant once established, and grow in Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Davesgarden.com, http://creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/bfly/atala_hairstreak.htm, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Here's a handy ebook written just for you! County Cooperative is recommending the cardboard palm as a replacement. The best location for your coontie palm (zamia pumila) is the morning sun with lots of partial shade in the afternoon. The sago palm, also known as the coontie palm or the cardboard palm, is a very deadly plant for cats. I am sure they would grown just fine in Mississippi, Wow! Perhaps when they're roots are getting into your native soil much, they die for some reason. Form: Shrub: Size: 2-3 ft tall by 3-5 ft wide: Life Span: Long-lived perennial: . Creates a tropical affect when planted by the trunks of pine trees in woodland settings. The tips of the leaves are prickly on some varieties, The sago palm is part of the cycad seed plant family and contains the toxin cycasin. Fill it with equal parts of sand and sphagnum peat moss, pour water over it until it is drenched and allow the pot to drain completely. The Cardboard Palm has broader and flatter leaves than the Coontie. ZZ plant is often used as a pseudo-bonsai. Happy coontie growing and butterfly nursing! Also they don't care if it's sunny or shady. Hope that now, one year later, some of your seeds germinated? The holidays have delayed my following through with the trade, but I still have coonties to exchange for cardboard palms. This little plant does well in full sun to full shade. Cardboard palms prefer well-drained, sandy potting mix. They seem to grow very nicely. under soil level and some above soil level and others half way above/under. I just have one that has several of the regular looking fronds, that's in the ground. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Too much moisture can cause various forms of rot in this cycad native from eastern Mexico. This plant and seeds are highly toxic to both humans and pets if ingested. Zamia coontie, or just coontie, is a native Floridian that produces long, palm-like leaves and no flowers. They can, down here, get to 12-14 inches wide in a single year. I don't know of ANYthing that will kill that variety of plants, and in the way it has happened. Cycad plants do fine Plant in a well-drained area, since cycad plants don't like "wet feet." If you want to use cardboard plant in your landscape, be sure to select a site that will leave the plant ample room to grow. The fronds of cardboard plant can grow to 3 feet long with up to twelve pairs of stiff, leathery, dark green leaflets. They are native to Florida, but there are several varieties. It is nodulated by both Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium bacteria and can become weedy. Neutral: On May 30, 2004, foodiesleuth from Honomu, HI (Zone 11) wrote: I surprises me to see see the warnings about not overwatering or to . Needless to say I filled 4 shoe boxes with these babies. To remove the sticky covering, clean them and spread them on the ground. Oh well, after all that's why I planted it, for the butterflies which were almost extinct. The botanical name refers to the rusty-brown central cone. Sometimes called "Coontie Palm," this is not actually a palm but a palm-like cycad plant. I found a small plant - it has slightly serrated edges on the leaves - does that make it a coontie or a cardboard? Plant Specifics. Cardboard Palm has 3 to 4 foot leaves that emerge from a central point forming a rosette. This is the so-called Sago Palm, and is sometimes called the Japanese Fern Palm, which is a very appropriate name. I definitely want to swap coonties for cardboard palms. Another problem is that developers will come in and completely clear property of all native vegitation whether or not it is a plant that is threatened or endangered. I have a few 2nd or 3rd year seedlings that are only now getting past the one or two leaf stage, and quite a few of the 1st year seedlings. The plants are now growing quite happily in my back yard under the edge of a large oak. The plants will quickly recover. I'll send you an E-mail. Coonties are very easy to grow, but you do have to understand them to know what problem you are having. 1-2 seeds can be fatal, Glycoside, Cycasin, B-methylamino-l-alanine, unidentified neurotoxin (cattle). It puts out side shoots and that what makes it almost a bush. If you want to be on our e-mailing list to What a beauty! During the growing season, the soil should be slightly moist. Once the seedling has emerged, it will look nothing like your adult plant. They stay at about the one or two leaf stage for a few years in my yard! The blue-green dioon spinulosum (the larger of the two) and dioon CARDBOARD palm, Zamia Furfuracea cycad live plant tree | eBay People who viewed this item also viewed ZAMIA FLORIDANA coontie palm florida native cycad tree palms plant seed 25 seeds Sponsored $19.95 Free shipping Zamia Furfuracea, CARDBOARD palm sago cycad plant tree mexican seed - 10 seeds $8.99 Free shipping Cycad - Zamia angustfolia $12.00 No flowers is n't a true palm leaves - does that make it a coontie or a palm! Written just for you it, for the butterflies which were almost.... Some shade ) feet in diameter plant - it has slightly serrated edges the. Is greek for & quot ; coontie palm ( zamia pumila is to. Stay at about the one or two leaf stage for a few years in my yard do fine in!, for the coontie, is Zone 8b/9a borderline transferred to a pot two other posters said they experienced same. Of cardboard palm gets it & # x27 ; s name from its tough, hard leaves augustifolia. 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