Please subscribe to be notified when new odu is published. Be careful not to promise two different people the same thing. De nada vale saber mucho, si no tengo temple para ensear. that is the main reasonwhy OGUN was called ATUNWAGUN, ATUNWADA, OR ALAJE ORUN meaningTHE RECREATOR, THE CREATOR OF BODY STRUCTURE AND RECREATOROF GOOD CHARACTER OR DESTINY. "Ogun replied that he accompanieshis followers on every journey, withoutever turning back.They asked him: "But what if,after a long journey, walking and walking,you arrive at Ire, home of your fathers,and they give you fried beans, and a dog,also a chicken, corn beer and palm wine? Clear communication and mutual cooperation will be important for success. Human beings broke the promise, they broke the equilibrium and now they need Iyamis favor to avoid negativities. Tiene que cuidarse la boca, para no tener piezas picadas, si las tiene arrgleselas o squeselas, para que no se enferme del estmago, y se le quite el mal aliento. Ifa and Obatala plays a big part in the life of the individual for which this odu was revealed. comida en su mesa, mientras que la otra parte crea que deba tomar el mismo odu ifa odi meji odu ifa book one ogbe yekun oriki ifa oyeku meji oriki oyeku' 'BLK ROOTS WORKSHOP OTURA MEJI APRIL 22ND . o Odu que encarna Ogun, o senhor do ferro, da tecnologia, da evoluo da raa humana. This Work Highlights Sixteen (16) Ese Ifa (Ifa. Everyone has the Fe en su amistad y reza contra la vibracin negativa y el poder maligno que separa. Being jealous in scenarios like that does not bring anything positive into the relationship. With patience you will be successful in gaining your own success. Speak truth; do justice. Because of tension, they tend to domore than one thing at a time thereby doing little of different things without asuccessful completion of any. importance of being aware of temperament and the consequences of not controlling Puedes leer:Oggun: Quien es, Oraciones, Ofrendas, Hijos y Caminos. The meaning of Ose- Meji,.Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list Un clavo saca otro clavo o los dos se quedan dentro Obara Meji Okanran Meji Ogunda Meji Osa Meji Ika Meji Oturupon Meji Otura Meji Irete Meji Ose Meji Ofun Meji Once the Odu meji are memorized in sequence the rest of the Odu are remembered through the use of a simple. Stay close to Ifa and listen to advice provided so you can reach your destiny. defined in more ways than just money. He told the Oba that the sacrifice was a particular woman who braided hair in the kings market. Aqu SHANGO y OGUN se hicieron compadres. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Ogunda Meji es un Odu de Ifa pertenece al grupo de los 16 meyis, este signo es violento, representa la violencia, heridas e incisiones que pueden hacerse al cuerpo, al igual que las distintas guerras que pueden surgir a la hora de querer adquirir un bien preciado por los dems. Ogunda Ejiogbe Ogunda Ogbe OgundeBede Odu Ifa. You are the wise one who teaches wise things like one's father. Energa y virtud para ganar todas las guerras y conquistar todos los obstculos. It will be their most reliable source for answers. En este If no se come langosta, porque aqu la langosta traicion a ORUNMILA. When Orunmila repeated the question a third time, Shall we decapitate her? How could he be so callous about sacrificing his own mother? This odu also advices In this video, you are going to understand the meaning of this Odu, share a story with you from this Odu and let you have an idea of what it reveals. The tortoise (Alabahun or Ijapa) is the animal character in Yoruba folklore that makes a living by deceiving, tricking and manipulating others. Required fields are marked *. El enemigo entra en su casa para saber como usted vive, y le lanzan malos pensamientos. Chief of thieves! In Ifa cosmology all birth, after the initial moment of Creation, is rebirth. For one who is righteous is supported by the Divine. Onrs Ile left the festival in bigger shame while Onrs Oko live the rest of his life in joy, happiness and peace of mind. Se compran billetes de lotera o se juega, en tres calzadas distintas. spiritually connected to the Ori in these moments will be very beneficial Oturupon Meji reveals how the faculty of intelligence came to the world. Egyptian Kemetic Origins Of The Greek Gods. Raising children is not an easy task but one that is very rewarding in many ways. In one instance of this verse, Orunmila was away when the Oba had a problem. peleando por un pez que haban capturado. looks will be part of the journey. In practical terms it is the creation of new form from inadequate or obsolete structures. Orunmila selecciona a los sacerdotes de If. and the two friends took home that day a whole fish each.instead of half headand half tail.They were satisfied, contented and blessed, praising the wisdom of Ogun and gave obeisance to the god of Iron.They promised to worship Ogun till the end of their physical life. Ogunda Meji Odu Ifa takes the 9th position in the order of 16 major odu ifa. Jaap Verduijn s Odu Ifa Collection Speedy deletion Wiki. En la mujer marca esclavitud, puede comerciar hasta con su cuerpo y ese ser su Osobo, pues tiene que dejar esa profesin para que no se destruya fsicamente. El tercer da le fue dado como un da de referencia y adoracin. A maioria das cranas deste Odu, tornam-se cultuadores de Ogun, so corajosas, talentosas e criativas. Be self aware of these situations and apologize when necessary to ensure misunderstandings do not endure longer than they have to. . It is an image of instability within the forces of the earth. Ifa, the question is: "Who among the deities accompanies their followers on every journey, without ever turning back?" Ifa said: "It is Ori, Ori alone, who accompanies his follower In this situation, the wordOGUNDAmeansOgun judge,or Ogunadjudicate, or Ogun solicit or Ogun give judgment.Hence Ogunda meji implies aspiritual judging of a matter by Ogun the god of iron to favor the parties or thepeople involve. Cuales son las prohibicionesde Ogunda Meyi? Ose Meji says this person must make a sacrifice. compartir sin problema y cada parte llevar a casa un pescado entero. Ogunda meji talks about taking care of your children, making sure they have a proper up bringing, education and all the tools they need to make it in this world. y en la jerarqua de las divinidades, fue la tercera divinidad ms importante y una Furthermore, both the Ifa Oracle and the more Ancient Egyptian Nile Valley Metu Neter Oracles, African Voodoo (Voudon) and the African Ancestral calling rely on Metaphors as a means of expressing the manifestation of creation. connect with yourself in preparation for the day. translation of Ori from Yoruba to English is head. "Obatala said: "After such satisfactionI return home. Ifa advices to offer sacrifice to ensure On the festival day, Onrs ile wore one of his old cloth to the festival since he could not afford to buy new cloth. So, the odu is also that of Alabahun the trickster. This odu warns about the opposite happening of what was destined for this person if the requirements of having good character, attitude, and patience are not taken seriously. The first are the 16 Meji, or Oju Od. It is good to master these signs and the names for you to understand what Babalawo or Ifa Priest reveals in his Ifa Divination or section. xiv) Irete Meji: Under this odu, Orunmila speaks of possible initiation into IFA to guarantee long life and good health. The tortoise (Alabahun) is always going to have another one on you after the last time. provoke you to throw you off your track. Durante 12 das se saluda al sol (OLORUN) por la maana. Yes, baba, they responded. Las personas con Ogunda meji poseen una calidad de liderazgo y un espritu de dedicacin, nimo y determinacin. Ebo de Ogunda Meyi 3-3 Para curar la impotencia: Consejos del oddun de Ifa Ogunda Meji (3-3): La Cruz de Caravaca: Significado, Origen, Oracin y ms. These words have uplifted me, Baba! always got in the way. xv) Ose Meji: Ose Meji says there is a woman that is looking for to have children but she has been unsuccessful up till this point. Ellos Un da, Ogun fue a una misin de caza, vio a los dos amigos. Some suggested that they should buy a beautiful horse for their father to ride to the festival while some suggested they get a carrier to carry him to the festival. Ogunda also means the power of Ogun to deter the force of enemies. Para gobernar debe ofrendar varias plantas, un chivo a Eshu, juta y pescado, semillas, todo tipo de granos y sembrar viandas, pltano, maz y tomate. People with ogunda meji should pray against anger and the spirit of notmaintaining a long lasting relationship. You must pray for your enemies and mean it. Si la persona tiene problemas financieros y tiene problemas con sus enemigos, este oddun dice que debe sacrificar a Ogn y alimentar su cabeza, para tener xito y prosperidad. "Oshun replied that she accompaniesher followers on every journey, withoutever turning back.The asked her: "But what if,after a long journey, walking and walking,you arrive at Ijumu, home of your fathers,and they give you flour pudding,together with greens and corn beer? Ogundabede is a potent odu that reminds us that, when all the jive talking is done, there will be tangible consequences for dishonesty. #yorubareligion #ifareligion #oduifaodu ifa obara meji in ifa religion or yoruba religion explained | 16 odu ifa list as bonus in this video. "Then Shango was toldthat he could not accompany followerson a far journey without turning back.Orunmila says that on enteringa room with a low door,we automatically bow.Ifa, the question is:"Who among the deitiesaccompanies their followerson every journey, withoutever turning back?Oya replied that she accompaniesher followers on every journey, withoutever turning back.They asked her: "But what if,after a long journey, walking and walking,you arrive at Ira, home of your fathers;and they slaughter a fat animal,and put a pot of corn puddingin front of you? He may be outspoken at home but discreet when seeing others for the first time or when meeting a new guy or paranoid when meeting new people. #oduifa #ogundameji #orunmilaOdu Ifa Ogunda Meji Meaning in Ifa Religion or Yoruba Religion of 16 Major Odu Ifa. k rs cloth is the beauty of life. It is the odu of thieves and liars. The liar dies and dies in a forest of fire. En OGUNDA MEYI es donde el padrino ensea o es maestro, hace que sus ahijados o hijos trabajen y sacrifiquen los animales y entreguen sus piezas, y una vez terminado el trabajo se le presenta al padrino para que le de las gracias, y vea que todo est bien hecho; porque en el maana el ahijado ser padrino y tendr que saber todo lo que necesita para trabajar y poder ensear. Tiene que tener cuidado con las traiciones y las trampas. La persona puede verse envuelta en chismes y enredos. pueda vivir con tranquilidad y vencer a sus enemigos, debe sacrificar a OGUN un perro, un gallo y una tortuga. Habla de doncella que tiene que hacer obras para casarse. The Sameplace bar and club. Habla la desconsideracin. When Orunmila repeated the question again, Elegba peeked around the corner to see what was going on. Give every attempt to rationalize in any given situation no matter how bad it may be. Onrs oko children had started working in different field of life and they started earning lot of money to take good care of their parents. Aqu es donde el Aw ensea a sus hijos o ahijados las prcticas de If, y l se pone despus a observarlos trabajar. En el Signo Ogunda Meyi hay que tener el camino recto para no fracasar, ya que marca vida confusa, suciedad. This made OGUN TO DA that is the GOD OF, IRON TO BREAK, TO CONQUER AND TO OVERCOME ALL CHALLENGES, THAT MIGHT HAVE FACED MEN IMMEDIATELY AFTER CREATION. Ese Ogunda-MejiI II II I00Orumila says that on enteringa room with a low door,we automatically bow.Ifa, the question is:"Who among the deitiesaccompanies their followerson every journey, withoutever turning back? La persona encarnada con este Oddun tendr muchos hijos. In this odu Ifa says if you are married, your wife brings ire into your life. goals without too many obstacles in your way. PISTOLA Y OTRAS UTILIDADES. listen to your inner self, your Ori, during phases in your life that involve Our theology should teach us and allow us to be able to meditate on the wisdom of our Elders of Orun and make substantive change in our thinking process and how to apply this knowledge to our lives. La mujer del cazador no grita por gusto cuando la flecha de su marido da en el blanco. Ifa advices the person to which this odu applies to offer sacrifice to help bring patience, happiness, health and longevity. But then, he decided to be tricky. Habla la Ceiba: l que se mira ha hecho algo al pie de una Ceiba. The Babalawo explained the message of Ifa to them that they should not focus on money, all they need to focus on is how they will give birth to lot of children because child bearing is their way to success. "Eshu said: "After such satisfactionI turn and go home. Con el fin de que Ud. Elegba identified the problem exactly. forest ebo on his way to Orun. ES EL If each person reading these lines could but see the mystical and powerful paradigm shift that is taking place right now and how if we do not see past our immediate foibles and insecurities we will remain in obscurity for another 7 generations. But the miracle was that, each half fish becsme a whole fish. Oko rs children is the beauty of life. They were advised to sacrifice. Fight ensued and Ogun met them, he, quickly cautioned them to maintain peace. Si mi cabeza no me vende, nadie me compra. What is irete MEJI? El Eshu que acompa a BABA OGUNDA MEJI y a OGUN cuando viajaron del Cielo a la Tierra, se llama ESHU ELEGBARA. Otura meji Simboliza o nascimento de gmeos em uma famlia do devoto que vem antes do ifa. Ifa says ogunda meji helps men to overcome wars, dailychallenges, worries and evil forces that confront them in their daily activities andstrugglings. Ifalution Ifa Evolution Google. Es decir, And although he could not see what was happening, he giggling with glee. Oko rs blessings has come Orunmila is identified as the Grand Priest, as he revealed divinity and prophecy to the world. We have provided high level interpretations of the odu in an There will be times where either of you are having a bad day or even a few bad days. "Then Obatala was toldthat he could not accompany followerson a far journey without turning back.Orunmila says that on enteringa room with a low door,we automatically bow.Ifa, the question is:"Who among the deitiesaccompanies their followerson every journey, withoutever turning back? OLOFIN para premiar los servicios de ELEGBA en la Tierra le mand a OGUN para que le haga y le ponga una corona, adems un collar blanco, negro y rojo. Al llegar OLUO POPO, como iba enfermo, lleno de llagas, al enterarse que all viva un Aw Yoruba nombrado FOKA, fue a visitarlo y al reconocer el dialecto, result ser que OLUO POPO era el padrino de FOKA al que conoca por haberlo consagrado en su niez. Bajo Ogunda meji, la importancia del nmero tres como espiritual especial l dar testimonio de las cosas buenas pero no debe guardar rencor hacia las personas. An aspiring Babalawo must learn AT LEAST four verses from each of the 256 chapters (Odu) of Ifa. Posted by: admin When in times like these we get directives that says from the above that one must pray for their enemies and mean it as well as pray for the changes of the mind of your enemies as well as your own; sometimes you think all hell naw! Chief of thieves! La tradicin dice que Ogun fue el primer ser en la creacin que This is normal. support will help you to continue building yourself and progressing in a Acto seguido, debe sacrificar un carnero padre a Azojuano ( San Lzaro) para evitar sufrir debido a una enfermedad devastadora. Do not let negative thoughts or emotions interfere with your mind and its positive thoughts. Ogun, con su sabidura y fuerza espiritual, dividi el pez entre los dos amigos alegres, cortando el pez en dos partes iguales, una con cabeza. OGUNDA significa la divinidad que Ogun crea e inventa, De acuerdo con If lo vindicara. Elegba was confused because Orunmilas voice never even quivered. Ifa, I confess my helplesness. What do the following means: ogunda, ogundabede, odu ifa ogundabede and the 16 major odu ifa and their meanings are in one of the videos on this channel. La gente y el juicio final estn a favor de todas las partes involucradas. Que a pesar de ser hijo de cualquier santo no tiene que necesariamente ser Aw. En este Odu para quitarse la maldicin (shep) que es peligroso hay que buscar hiervas que sean bejucos tales como: zarzaparrilla, estropajo, coralillo, amansa guapo, se hace omiero y se da sangre al pie de OYA con agua de ro. Este Odu de If es masculino, hijo de OKE y de AWOUN, Esi. Having a clear and focused mind will be key to connecting and remaining connected with your Ori. So many people are all about false witness on each other. However, if were ever going to change the world within ourselves and the world outside of ourselves, we have to change the narrative first within ourselves. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In Ifa, complaining and blaming others is called ibi. Working with others can provide new perspectives and new knowledge as well, which has the tendency of bringing new opportunities to you. esa es la razn principal por la que OGUN se llamaba ATUNWAGUN, ATUNWADA, O ALAJE ORUN, que significa EL RECREADOR, EL CREADOR DE ESTRUCTURA DEL CUERPO Y EL RECREADOR DE BUEN CARCTER O DESTINO. Continue to work hard towards the positive goals you have set in your life. Cuidarse de accidentes, de tragedias, de agresiones inesperadas, donde pueden golpearlo para robarle y hasta puede perder la vida. The literal The woman to be sacrificed was not Orunmilas mother at all. Before Olodumare sent each Odu to Orunmila in Aye, He gave them each specific powers and functions that they all specialize in. Some of these traits include being honest, having confidence, integrity, being humble, being able to understand different views and having positive direction. La cabeza es ms grande que la corona que le pusieron. Onrs where are your cloth? Guarda mi nombre, correo electrnico y web en este navegador para la prxima vez que comente. According to IFA verse under Odu irete meji: There is an offering you may give to Esu to help move those obstacles out of your way. The Words of IFA are the Words of Olodumare:- Lets train our children so that we can live in peace at our old age,#Ase_Edumare! Pescado en casa para que su familia supere el hambre. Be understanding and patient in all your interactions with all people. 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