It is our goal to ensure that all food produced, prepared, and offered to the public is wholesome, honestly presented, and safe for consumption. Permitting Fee. b. Such deficiencies are typically classified as either critical items, which are items that are more likely than other code provision items to contribute to food contamination, illness, or other environmental health hazards, or non-critical items, items representing a failure of cleaning, maintenance, or other good retail practices. Gross Annual Volume of Food Sales. A signed property owner authorization is required if the customer is submitting on behalf of a property owner. Yes, I have a Pinal County Health Permit: Great! The cost of a Pinal County, Arizona Food Establishment Permit depends on a company's industry, geographic service regions and possibly other factors. To become permitted, you will need to submit the following to the Pinal County Environmental Health Services: 1. 41-1030 . Any incorrect applications received in error will not be processed.Thank you for allowing us to serve you. (PDF), 009 - What Are the Residential Gas Piping Installation Requirements? $50,000 - $149,999.99. Finally, install the home following the plans and receive the required inspections by Pinal County Staff. 4. Public Works: (520) 866-6033 for Utility Review Submittal questions. A late fee of $100 will be assessed if a renewal application and payment for the food permit are not received by December 31. Pinal County31 N Pinal StreetFlorence, AZ 85132, Phone:520-509-3555Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311, 003 - What Projects and Structures Are Exempt From Permit Requirements? Information is valid as of: 4/13/2023 1:29:46 PM: Setting up or forming a limited liability company (LLC) online is simple, easy and affordable, inexpensive process for under $60 plus state fees. In Pinal County, these permits are issued following a review of food facility plans and menus and assuring, by inspection, compliance with the food safety standards and practices contained in the Food Code. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES P.O. When the installation is complete, call the surveyor back out to the property to complete a final construction elevation certificate. For Commercial and Industrial projects as well as Subdivisions, the Floodplain Use Permitting process is included as a step within the Community Development Department's Site Plan Review or Subdivision Review and Platting process. 0 $258. The Pinal County ePlan Review/ePermitting is a portal into Pinal County's online permitting to replace paper review of regulatory documents, with online examination, markup and commenting. The engineer needs to also complete a pre-construction elevation certificate for the home. Once you have gathered your documentation (Completed Permit Application, Plans, etc. Please review the following to determine how best to proceed. Call 520-509-3555 or email the Planning Division. Position Control Number . (PDF), 010 - Does Pinal County Have Spa and Swimming Pool Protective Barrier Requirements? the customer through the process of permit submittal . Get the latest information on what's going on in Pinal County! (PDF), 2018 Building Code Ordinance and Amendments (PDF), Certificate of Occupancy-Occupancy Change (PDF), Existing Standard Plan (For builders with a plan on file only) (PDF), Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Application (PDF), Submittal Requirements for MLD on Parent Parcel (PDF), Manufactured Home- Modular- Park Model Renewal Form (PDF), 2018 Building Code Ordinance & Amendments (PDF). Link to page Industrial Permits Read about industrial air quality permits. $0 - $49,999.99. These fibers get into the air and may become inhaled into the lungs, where they may cause significant health problems. Florence, AZ 85132. (PDF), 009 - What Are the Residential Gas Piping Installation Requirements? We are a strong advocate for Active Managerial Control, a concept whose success rests on the implementation and supervision of food safety practices on the part of the facility operator to control known and identified risk factors in the facility's food operations that might otherwise cause foodborne illness or injury. Make a payment to Pinal County Development Services online. Pinal County does not provide these copies. %%EOF Upon completion of a routine inspection, Pinal County food establishments are given a rating based on the presence or absence of violations noted during the inspection. Please navigate to the Pinal County Fair page for more information. Some of these pages can be used in your actual submittal; for instance, write in the correct dimensions on the sample drawings and incorporate them into your own drawings. Please review the following to determine how best to proceed. Customer is responsible for printing approved plans and permits; which is required to be on the job site at times of inspection. Here is what you should know about the process. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Licensing and Permitting Health Permits Consumer Health and Food Safety - Food and pool certification, mobile food establishments, catering and limited food, temporary food services Development Services Building Permitting - Building permitting process, codes and local amendments, business startup, property inquiries and department publications When finished, click the Continue button and you will be asked to review the information for accuracy before your payment is processed. No, I dont have a Pinal County Health Permit: If you operate outside of the State of Arizona, or do not have a health permit, and wish to participate at a Pinal Fairgrounds & Event Center event, you must submit a Temporary Food Booth Application to our office by the specified due date. You are required to obtain a Mobile Food Unit Permit from Pinal County to attend events in Pinal County To get started, select one of the services listed below: The use of Pinal CountyePlan Review/ePermittingrequires one of the following browsers. . Public Works: (520) 866- 6419 for Non-Utilities Permit questions OR. All outside burning (unless exempt) requires a permitresidential, commercial, agriculture, bonfires, training exercise fires, building demolition, dangerous material, or Air Curtain Burning. Once submitted you should receive a confirmation with new permit number. %PDF-1.6 % Pinal County permit records can prove that a project has a valid permit, and Town and City Halls can also provide information on looking up permit rules, applying for a permit, or finding approved permits. The Pinal County ePlan Review/ePermitting is a portal into Pinal County's online permitting to replace paper review of regulatory documents, with online examination, markup and commenting. Due to the requirements that may be imposed on your proposed structure (such as elevating the building to one foot above the base flood elevation), it is highly recommended that you wait to apply for a Floodplain Use Permit until after you have applied for a Building Permit. These permit records are often available online through the Town or City Hall website. We are pleased to offer our citizens, businesses, and visitors access to government services online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.In partnership with Accela, Inc., we are fulfilling our promise to deliver powerful e-government services and provide valuable information about the community while making your interactions with us more efficient, convenient, and interactive. GET Food Truck Food And Dining LICENSING HERE'S HOW IT WORKS 1. All walk-in appointments must be pre-approved. Pinal County has 7 County Dependent Communities who rely on Pinal County to perform their Floodplain Management. The permit fees for a food booth at a special event are $30.00 per day, $60.00 per event maximum. Planning Dept: (520)509-3555for Final Plat, Site Plan Review or Tentative Plat application questions. Successful control of these foodborne illness risk factors through Active Managerial Control will be directly related to the number of critical items identified during our normal food establishment inspection process. To view the pdf documents requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Permit Fees for Retail Food Establishments. Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311. This should expedite the process through which a mobile food unit with a permit from another Arizona County (where their commissary is located) may obtain a Pinal County Permit. $150,000 or more. From there you can fill out the online forms and then upload your documents for review. If you still have questions, please contact us at 520-509-3555. . Fees may apply. `eEX, 9YaFc+Rs`MkSa+ 24#MC!l\Q My Bills Description Save Delete Note: *indicates a required field. 3. Effective August 3, 2018 a new law went into effect regarding mobile food permits. %%EOF Live Chat : Mon-Fri 8.00am - 10.00pm (PT) A business license for the city is $50 and may also be required. Applications Land Use Change For questions regarding Burn or Dust applications/permits, please call Air Quality at 520-866-6929Documents submitted shall be reviewed for completeness prior to being accepted, this may take up to 7 business days. hb```f``jg`a`f`@ +s|f@a% @EB$":\xrEAdCy;@lf`b ;A:@ s If deficiencies are observed during these routine inspections, they are described in an inspection report with reference to a relevant section of the Arizona Food Code, the observations made by the inspector during the inspection, and the corrective action is taken. We have developed this website as part of our continuing effort to educate and inform the public on matters related to food safety and Pinal County food establishment sanitation. 0 phoenix, az 85007 (602) 364-3118 fax: (602) 364-3146. in accordance with a.r.s. Change of Ownership or Location. Hire an Arizona Registered Professional Engineer to develop a foundation plan for the home that complies with the Pinal County Floodplain Ordinance, the elevation requirements, and all applicable Manufactured Home Regulations. Consumer Health and Food Safety - Food and pool certification, mobile food establishments, catering and limited food, temporary food services; Development Services. If not, Pinal County will determine the flood elevation or depth at your manufactured home site to help ensure compliance with Local, State, and Federal Regulations. Get your Food handlers now! Construction permits and building ordinances; Pinal County, AZ zoning laws and requirements; Pinal County Building Structure & Housing Statistics. Explore our career opportunities and learn more about why Pinal County is a great place to work. You can view information, get questions answered and have limited services as an anonymous user. For more information regarding Floodplain Clearances, please refer to the informational sheet: Floodplain Clearance Information (PDF). Due dates can be found above and will be included in your contract once approved. We promote Active Managerial Control of the known risk factors by our facility operators through education, collaboration, and inspection activities. Vendors that don't have their own policy may secure insurance through the fair for $120. Pinal County. What can I expect from Electronic Submittal? For single-lot residential development such as new homes or accessory buildings, a Floodplain Use Permit must be applied for separately from a Building Permit. If your project is located within a County Dependent Community, then a Floodplain Use Permit from Pinal County will be required before the City or Town will approve your development plans or permit. We provide a host of efficient, effective, and needed services through motivated and talented employees. To view the pdf documents requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. In addition to obtaining a Floodplain Use Permit and Manufactured Home Permit from Pinal County, property owners must also obtain a permit from the Arizona Office of Manufactured Housing. Health Permits. arizona department of health services office of environmental health food safety and environmental services 150 north 18th avenue, suite 1. tQio ]yM:&"Zt%hq$BI/6W._7n.t/o/{zGspJ*r)U|o_n]gyjot{%4xymw^m.wO_]rxWz9{(p9. Certificate of insurance wording to be provided after application approval. Click here for estimated completion dates (ECD). Any development that is proposed within a floodplain requires a Floodplain Use Permit before construction can begin. Permit Application - Temporary Food Booth (PDF) Special Event Notification (PDF) Regulatory Bill of Rights (PDF) Visit the Applications and Information page for more information. Department Number 3592739 . Copy of Mobile Food Permit from the home County where the commissary is located. (PDF), 2018 Building Code Ordinance and Amendments (PDF), Permit Requirements on Recorded MLD (PDF), Certificate of Occupancy-Occupancy Change (PDF), Existing Standard Plan (For builders with a plan on file only) (PDF), Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Application (PDF), Submittal Requirements for MLD on Parent Parcel (PDF), Manufactured Home- Modular- Park Model Renewal Form (PDF), Notice of Counsel or Other Designated Rep (PDF), Directory of Community Services Brochure(PDF), Heavy Truck Parking and Storage Brochure(PDF), Overview of Code Compliance Process (PDF), Approval of Fencing Materials Application (PDF), Request for Extension - Compliance Agreement (PDF), Pinal County Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines (PDF), Traffic Impact Statement Guidelines (PDF), Pinal County Drainage Manual - Volume 1 (PDF), Pinal County Drainage Manual - Volume 2 (PDF), Pinal County Subdivision and Infrastructure Design Manual (PDF), Special Use Permit Formal Application (PDF), Special Use Permit Pre-application Form (PDF), Wireless Communication Pre-application Form (PDF), Appeal or Interpretation Application (PDF), Non-Conforming Use Formal Application (PDF), Comprehensive Plan Formal Application (PDF), Comprehensive Plan Pre-application Form (PDF), Comprehensive Signs Formal Application (PDF), 4.02-4.23 Notice of Intent to Discharge (PDF), 4.02 - 4.23 Request For Discharge Authorization 4.21 (PDF), Engineers Certificate of Completion (PDF), Licensed Contractors Certificate of Completion (PDF), Presale Inspection Form for Septic Systems (PDF), Refuse or Liquid Waste Hauler Application (PDF), Engineers - Qualified Investigators- Septic System Installers (PDF), Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR), Special Event Ordinance - 2.150.040 (PDF), 2018 Building Code Ordinance & Amendments (PDF), Zoning Ordinance & Subdivision Regulations. 274 0 obj <> endobj hbbd``b`:$gX[6"4+ D(AHFo@wH2`j@#B#m D endstream endobj 275 0 obj <. Applications for FY 23/24 are being accepted April 9th. Get Oracle mobile food License . (PDF), 011 - Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical Project Permits (PDF), 012 - Help for Obtaining a Permit for Additions and Detached Structures (PDF), 013 - Open Deck Construction Regulations (PDF), 014 - Building Privacy Walls and Fences (PDF), 017A - Residential Inspection Requirements (PDF), 017B - Commercial-T.I. Welcome Pinal County Pinal County ePlan Review/ePermitting For questions regarding a permit application and/or a plan submittal application, please call 520-509-3555 For questions regarding Burn or Dust applications/permits, please call Air Quality at 520-866-6929 . Date Published 2021-03-16 16:00:00Z: Date Updated: 04/2023. "Yes, Pinal County Environmental Health does permit food trucks and inspects them. Copy of Commissary Agreement from the home County where the commissary is located. 0 The Flood Control District reviews plans and proposals for development to ensure that the project meets the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and the Pinal County Floodplain Ordinance. To fulfill our mission and goal, we conduct a consumer food protection and safety program that includes requirements for food establishment plan review and approval, permit to operate, ongoing inspection, and investigation of complaints of foodborne illness. Pinal County has partnered with Point and Pay to provide citizens with convenient online payment services. If the plans and elevation are acceptable you will receive an acceptance letter from the Flood Control District. Email the Pinal County Flood Control District or call 520-866-6411 to see if a base flood elevation or depth has been determined for your property. Submittinga floodplain use permit can now be done online at any time using Pinal County's new Electronic Submittal Process. To apply for a Floodplain Use Permit, please download and complete the following application: For projects that do not require a Floodplain Use Permit, a Floodplain Clearance may be given instead. You will then need to apply for a manufactured home permit with the state of Arizona. hbbd```b``f@$|"d< Copyright 2023 Pinal County Fairgrounds & Event Center - All Rights Reserved. The Globe office is located at 5515 Apache, Central Heights, AZ. (PDF), 004 - What Are the Requirements for Obtaining a Permit? LICENSES & TAX IDS All Food And Dining Food Truck businesses/entities need a business license and an EIN. Fees for initial applications, renewals, and change of ownership are based on gross annual volume of food sales. Mobile Food Permit Application (PDF) Mobile Food Type I Guidelines (PDF) Mobile Food Type II Guidelines (PDF) Mobile Food Type III Guidelines (PDF) Permit Exemptions (PDF) Promotional Sampling (PDF) Route Sheet (PDF) Contact Us Email Physical Address 1645 E Roosevelt Street Phoenix, AZ 85006 Phone : 602-506-6824 Fax : 602-372-6043 Installing a new or replacement manufactured home within a floodplain requires many steps to complete successfully. View and download forms from the Air Quality Department. Serving a population of almost 500,000 in the county, Pinal County is one of the largest employers. ***Your setup may require a pre-inspection prior to the event. The permit that applies is a 'Mobile Food Unit,'" Reimus said. Pay for Permits Online Pay for your Permit online. This should expedite the process through which a mobile food unit with a permit from another Arizona County (where their commissary is located) may obtain a Pinal County Permit. Every person required to report and pay a tax upon Rental Occupancy as imposed by Chapter 8A. You will need to log in to the portal and then select "Floodplain Use Permit" under the Public Works tab. Pinal County Public Health Services District . 3. Type II establishments might include food establishments with a limited menu that includes one main entre, bars with limited food service, bakeries, schools receiving prepared meals from central kitchens, delis (limited to sandwich prep only), or fast food restaurants. Take a photo or selfie of your hiking, camping, or wildflower adventures at Peralta Regional Park and post it to Facebook or Instagram using hashtag #Explore PRP. The Arizona Food Code requires that anyone wishing to operate a food establishment in the State of Arizona first obtain a permit to do so. Please note: As of January 3rd, 2022 the Planning Department is accepting all applications by online submittal only. h[o7Wcx@`@:V,R'}X$9 k"wSiB@'Pt$qD\H+UV/"[-c1 hE7&#Qh< Please refer to the checklist above) you can submit them through the Citizen Access Portal. endstream endobj 121 0 obj <>/Metadata 8 0 R/OpenAction 122 0 R/Pages 118 0 R/StructTreeRoot 20 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 122 0 obj <> endobj 123 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 118 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 124 0 obj <>stream 3. The Building Safety Department has made the following Information Bulletins and Forms available for download. Dust kicked up by vehicles, construction, burning and wind events create pollution called particulate matter. A Pinal County mobile food permit is required prior to operating a mobile food establishment in Pinal County. In Pinal County, these permits are issued following a review of food facility plans and menus and assuring, by inspection, compliance with the food safety standards and practices contained in the Food Code . An applicant may receive a clarification from the Pinal County Flood Control District of its interpretation or application of a statute, ordinance, regulation, executive order, delegation agreement or authorized substantive policy statement as provided in A.R.S. Alternatively, you can have a surveyor complete the elevation certificate that goes along with the plans. To use ALL the services we provide you must register and create a user account. Phone: 520-509-3555. This Internet website provides the public with another opportunity and avenue to obtain information on food establishment inspection results in Pinal County. Check out this article from the Phoenix Business Journal highlighting the great Economic Development strides that Pinal County has taken over the past few years. 512 South Eleven Mile Corner Road, Casa Grande, Arizona 85194. Pinal County31 N Pinal StreetFlorence, AZ 85132, Phone:520-509-3555Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311, Special Use Permit Formal Application (PDF), Special Use Permit Pre-application Form (PDF), Wireless Communication Pre-application Form (PDF), Appeal or Interpretation Application (PDF), Non-Conforming Use Formal Application (PDF), Comprehensive Plan Formal Application (PDF), Comprehensive Plan Pre-application Form (PDF), Comprehensive Signs Formal Application (PDF), Zoning Ordinance & Subdivision Regulations. We trust this will provide you with a new, higher level of service that makes living and working in our community a more enjoyable experience. Key Dates Additional Info. Septic Wells - Related Resource (s) Special Events. Each vendor is required to have liability insurance to participate in events at PCFEC. AZ SELLER'S PERMIT. Your space is not confirmed until these are received, Health Permit due no later than Dec. 23, 2022, Submit your insurance requirements no later than Jan. 6, 2023, Submit application before December 30, 2022, Submit signed contract and deposit on or before Jan. 12, 2023. Apply for a Floodplain Use Permit with Pinal County and submit your plans and elevation certificate for review. Nestled between Maricopa County (Phoenix) and Pima County (Tucson), Pinal County is home to over 439,128 residents. $515. Any fees due forthe application will also be paid from your user profile. Pinal County31 N Pinal StreetFlorence, AZ 85132, Phone:520-509-3555Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311, Type I - Minimum of one routine inspection annually, Type II - Minimum of two routine inspections annually, Type III - Minimum of three routine inspections annually. Food permits will not be issued until all fees including the late fee are received. A Pinal County mobile food permit is required prior to operating a mobile food . endstream endobj startxref ***Non-food related vendors please visit for information.***. food establishment license application . conducts pre-opening inspections of establishments and mobile food units; determines compliance with Smokefree AZ laws, samples food and water for microbial analysis; prepares inspection . The inspection frequency for each of the facility types is as follows: This information is provided to help users of this site to better understand and interpret the food establishment inspection report results available here. 314 0 obj <>stream %PDF-1.5 % 120 0 obj <> endobj Microsoft Edge101.0.1210.53or newer, Chrome102.0.5005.62or higher. Type III establishments might include full-service restaurants doing advanced food preparation, restaurants doing catering, caterers, hospitals, correctional facilities, and nursing homes, school cafeterias doing high-volume meal preparation, and retail food store delis and seafood market operations. Submit a copy of the elevation certificate to Pinal County for Review. We hope these selections will be helpful for your use in obtaining any required building permits and to answer some of your questions. The mission of the Pinal County Division of Public Health is to protect the health of all Pinal County residents and visitors alike. If you still have questions, please contact us at 520-509-3555. We ask that you submit a copy of your valid permit to our office at least 72hrs in advance of setting up your booth. 2. Click HERE for the Special Event Application Packet. 2022 - Pinal County All rights reserved. Septic Wells. For questions regarding permitting, please contact, If you operate outside of the State of Arizona, or do not have a health permit, and wish to participate at a Pinal Fairgrounds & Event Center event, you must submit a, Submit application before December 2, 2022, If accepted, you will receive notification and a contract, Submit signed contract and payment on or before Dec. 16, 2022. 31 N Pinal Street. Call 520-509-3555 or email the Planning Division. Online Submittals Please call the planning department with any questions. 48-3649. Link to page Forms View and download forms from the Air Quality Department. Applications Applications Please note: As of January 3rd, 2022 the Planning Department is accepting all applications by online submittal only. (PDF), 004 - What Are the Requirements for Obtaining a Permit? If the state of Arizona approves your plans you will need to bring three approved copies of back to Pinal County. 294 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<396DD25FF51B264E9EB2F2131B820BAC><4D33EE0A02AC354AACF9476567356A23>]/Index[274 41]/Info 273 0 R/Length 96/Prev 77351/Root 275 0 R/Size 315/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream &``D2"@*LKAd3~)$F30]6q@L` PENS allows law enforcement, fire, public health or emergency management officials to notify you in times of crisis or if immediate action is needed. Routine inspections of each food establishment permitted by the Division of Environmental Health are conducted throughout the year to evaluate the facility's success in assuring that all food operations are being conducted in a safe and sanitary manner and in compliance with the Food Code. 172 0 obj <>stream Once the elevation certificate is approved you will get your electrical clearance and/or certificate for occupancy. Food permits are not transferrable in the event of sale or purchase of a business. Review time shall start once application has been accepted online. All food vendors who participate in your event will be required to have a Pinal County Mobile food unit permit or they will have to apply for a Temporary Food Service Establishment permit. Should you have any questions on what type of application to create please contact: Building Safety: (520) 509-3555 for Building plan review & building application questions. Read about industrial air quality permits. This six-week virtual class series gives you the c Board of Supervisors - Work Session changed to May 11, 2023, Powerful Tools for Caregivers Virtual Workshop, Voter Outreach & Registration/Family Resource Fair, April 23 - 29 is National Crime Victims' Rights Week, Pinal County Animal Care and Control Celebrates Animal Care and Control Officer Appreciation Week, Expect Traffic Delays From Tuesday, April 11th - 17th, LG Energy Solution To Invest $5.5 Billion To Build Battery Manufacturing Complex In Queen Creek, Superstition Region Interagency Information Center Survey, Open Burn Permits - Suspended as of April 28th, Pinal Emergency Notification (PENS) Sign Up. Building Permitting - Building permitting process, codes and local amendments, business startup, property inquiries and department publications; Wastewater - public sewer construction, industrial wastewater . All documents must be received by the specified due dates to attend this event. A temporary benchmark should also be placed on the property to ensure that the foundation is built up high enough and/or so the installer knows how high the home needs to be set. (PDF), 011 - Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical Project Permits (PDF), 012 - Help for Obtaining a Permit for Additions and Detached Structures (PDF), 013 - Open Deck Construction Regulations (PDF), 014 - Building Privacy Walls and Fences (PDF), 017A - Residential Inspection Requirements (PDF), 017B - Commercial-T.I. Flood Control District staff will add the permit to the review queue and will contact you by email if revisions or changes are needed to the permit application and associated documents. endstream endobj startxref The license fee for a Privilege Tax License is $2.00 for the city and $12.00 for the state and is obtained through the Arizona Department of Revenue. 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Residential Gas Piping Installation Requirements Mile Corner Road, Casa Grande, Arizona 85194 Active Managerial Control of known. Our facility operators through education, collaboration, and needed services through motivated and talented employees home the... Is one of the known risk factors by our facility operators through education, collaboration, and inspection activities Use! County, Pinal County and submit your plans you will need to apply for a booth! Application approval with another opportunity and avenue to obtain information on food establishment inspection results in Pinal has... And pinal county mobile food permit more about why Pinal County is a & # x27 ; & ;. Has made the following information Bulletins and forms available for download zoning and! Can view information, get questions answered and have limited services as an anonymous....
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pinal county mobile food permit