Very easy, felt no joint pain in 2-3 days. However, silicon is not found alone. Collagen is our main skin protein, and is the glue that holds us together. Ill take a couple weeks off every so often, occasionally mix DE and activated charcoal for detoxing times after or on vacation. As you can see, when youre following the Program, youre getting plenty of bone-healthy silica, and you should aim to get at least 10 mg per day. Bonolive is a supplement composed of oleuropein, a polyphenol extracted from olive leaves. But as levels of silica decline with age, these tissues degenerate correspondingly. Milk thistle can support the liver and revitalize hair. I take the food grade. the scalp was starting to show. Spirulina and barley grass juice powder support hair. Subscribe today and also receive Elissa's exclusive Immunity Essentials Guide! Fiber, molybdenum, magnesium, and fluoride increase the demand for silicon. Boron, calcium, manganese and potassium help the utilisation of silicon. We are talking about a trace element that is essential for health. Siliconis the second most abundant substance on Earth, after oxygen. The first can be used to remove aluminum from tissues and the brain, as well as to improve hair and nails. How to keep your brain healthy: 7 practical tip, Arthrosis in young people: why more and more cases and how, Trace elements: what they are and why they are important. Please try again. 1. Carlisle (68), found the silica supplementation to be more effective when rats were fed a low calcium diet, and Nielsen (15), suggested that low dietary calcium enhances the uptake of silica. One such substance is silica, or silicon dioxide, which is the most common type of sand. By maintaining the integrity of the skin, nails and promoting faster healing process of wounds, it allows the skin to play its most important role as a barrier to pathogens. Horsetail is mostly consumed. Biotin itself is tremendously effective in stimulating hair growth (less hair loss and thickens your hair), speeding nail growth and strengthens and an added bonus, speeding up your metabolism. When you add all that up, silica qualifies as a dramatic anti-aging element, one that everyone needs. Silicon is found in plants, especially apples, cereals, nuts, oranges, cucumbers, pumpkins, fish, raw grains, oats, almonds, onions, and carrots. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. It is in particular associated with deficiencies in iron (iron deficiency anemia), Calcium, zinc, and biotin (a component of the B-Complex vitamins). This is because the increased silica intake needs to be present throughout the regeneration, and new growth, of the hair, skin, and nails, and connective tissues. Several studies have indicated that people with broken bones heal a lot quicker when silica levels are high irrespective of their calcium levels in the bloodstream. The primary food sources of silica are apples, oranges, cherries, raisins, almonds, peanuts, raw cabbage, onions, carrots, eggplants, pumpkin, red beets, celery, cucumber, fish, honey, and corn. Persistent problems on the hair, skin as well as the nails proliferate in the pandemic proportions because of widespread nutritional deficiency in silica. Here are some of those silica health benefits and whether or not silica is good for you. Were happy to help you! Use code ELISSA15, for 15% off and free shipping on orders over $35! Maybe I should put some in smoothies now! Thank you for clearing up the confusion. It strengthens the nails and maintains the firmness of the skin with the combination of elastin. Some people are genetically predisposed to titanium toxicity. Silicea can be used to improve acne, blemishes, ulcers, boils, inflammation, or generally sickly skin. Thus, silica deficiency causes brittle nails, lifeless hair, sagging skin, and other signs of declining reserves - the signs of aging. Infections from abscesses, skin eruptions, glass shards, and splinters can all be remedied with the help ofsilicea. It reminded me that many years ago mountain women used to eat clay and actually one can still buy packaged clay for eating. These include alcoholic beverages, tobacco (nicotine), cola drinks, soft drinks (excluding natural drinks), coffee and tea (containing caffeine and decaffeine), chocolate (cork), rare mineral water (tap, well, spring), polluted air, refined sugar, and refined sugar substitutes, highly processed foods, dairy products, refined and processed foods, polyunsaturated fats, radiation exposure, microwave diets, a synthetic estrogen, birth control pills, most of all drugs. Its just one of many nutrients that work together. Moreover, this mineral is largely obtained from plant sources, and in todays crops its concentration is much lower than it was years ago. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Silica increases bone calcium absorption, even in those with osteoporosis due to aging. Even less so after the age of 40, at which point our internal stores slowly start to fall. Ive researched strontium in-depth, and this article shows the science-backed information on it: It can also be used for preventing hair loss and dandruff. Vitamin B12 specifically supports nail growth, so when it becomes deficient, lines on nails may occur. Accordingly, it's best to talk to your doctor before trying a supplement to make sure it's right for you and to avoid any silica side effects. Brittle, split Nails: Nail dryness, nails in contact with irritating substances (detergents, chemicals, polish remover); silica deficiency Pale, brittle nails , spoon-shaped or with ridges down the length - can signify anemia; this lack of iron can be due to inadequate nutrition Two of the foods highest in very absorbable silica are beer (which can be a food, if made well), and green beans. Youll also learn how to get more of this important mineral. Check out the products that can be helpful. Silica and a bioavailable form of silicon known as orthosilicic acid (or OSA) are also common ingredients in supplements for nails, . It likewise enhances the bone and provides the versatility of the bone. A deficiency of sulfur amino acids has been shown to compromise glutathione synthesis to a greater extent than protein synthesis in the presence and absence of an inflammatory stimulus. 7. Prescription For Nutritional Healing. For instance, a daily silica supplement may help reinforce hair strength and prevent breakage, according to the Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia review. The Medical Establishment takes a silver bullet approach to health, isolating a particular biological process and aiming at it with a synthetic chemical. Is it safe? Silicon is also found in other ingredients such as birch, black cohosh, black walnut, legumes, chaparral, ginseng, horsetail, nettle, Oregon grape, parsley, peppermint, rose hips, and thyme. Food grade Diatomaceous Earth ASAP!! Weve Reinvented Because most foods we consume do not contain sufficient silica, and because it depletes from the body daily, most adults should take a silica supplement on a semi-regular basis. I had 13 years of hell from Ulcerative Colitis, when I started drinking a Silicon Rich Mineral Water it started my GI system functioning, then I added a silica supplement made from Bamboo Gel, of course, started my colon working properly, normal health has resumed. As it relates to supplements, the Medical Establishment ignores the issue of synergy and continues to prescribe large doses of a single mineral, typically calcium and the wrong kind of calcium, such as calcium carbonate. Silicon deficiency can bring about calcification of connective and soft tissue, triggering stiffness and loss of elasticity. The silica article is very interesting. It also helps maintain a healthy digestive tract lining which is essential for proper digestion and absorption of the food we eat. flaky nails that are inclined to break or split may occur in people with reduced blood levels of magnesium or vitamin C deficiency, and brittle nails can be a symptom of iron deficiency anemia. So yes hopefully it would fix your bones before it would fix your hair. And while taking silica for hair growth (or regrowth) won't magically reverse balding, there's evidence to suggest that it can strengthen the hair you do have to counteract thinning, which is why people often take silica for hair in the form of supplement pills or gels. It helps the skin and mucous membranes to maintain immunity. While capsules and soft gels may be less expensive, their coatings may upset sensitive stomachs. Similarly, collagen can help improve the strength and integrity of your joints and connective tissue, according to the Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia review. Please check your email inbox for our answer. Nail brittleness is characterized by nails that split, flake and crumble, become soft and lose elasticity. Deficiency can result in soft or brittle nails, premature wrinkles, thinning or hair loss, poor bone development and osteoporosis. Dietary silicon intake is positively associated with bone mineral density in men and premenopausal women of the Framingham Offspring cohort. Journal of Bone Mineral Research.19(2):297-307. It also protects the scalp and nails from fungal infections, which can cause dandruff, hair loss, and nail loss. Further, sufficient stomach acid is needed to convert dietary silica into its active form, so food may not be the best bioavailable source, and, in my mind, supplementation is non-negotiable. Aluminum is prevalent in the modern environment, found in cookware, foil used to wrap foods, cigarette smoke, cosmetics, some beverage containers, and in a number of vaccines. Silica Keeps Skin Healthy and Prevents Wrinkles. I would be very grateful for any help Customer Support can give me. Get a free copy of Stop The Bone Thieves, exclusive content that you cant find anywhere else, plus vital osteoporosis news and updates. Immunity Guide, My Favorite Brands for Non-Toxic Cookware. Silica also stimulates chondroblasts to deposit chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid into the cartilage matrix, and will improve the effectiveness of glucosamine sulfate, in effect repairing degenerated joints. My hair started thinning out and Im in my early 30s. There are many delicious foods that are full of silica, and many of them are Foundation Foods listed in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. However, pregnant and breastfeeding moms ought to not take silicon supplement as it may damage the mothers and their babies condition. What are the symptoms of silica deficiency? Some reports revealed that long term use of the silicon-contained antacid magnesium trisilicate has been related to the formation of kidney stones in some individuals. About Toenail Fungus. Kobmel provides better health and food information. Silica supplements are touted for their ability to improve and strengthen skin, hair and nails, according to a May/June 2016 review in Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia . A friend recommended DE to me. Atherosclerotic (hardened) arteries usually contain dramatically less silica than healthy arteries, thus silica helps to prevent hardening of the arteries. Silica deficiency The reason why you may not see your nails growing overnight is that you are deficient in silica. The capsules are WORKING! Deficiency in these vitamins can cause brittle and dry nails, and those symptoms can be indicators of poor internal health. Someone told me that Boron is very good for building strong bones. Vitamin Deficiency Can be a Side Effect of Silica: Silica supplement contain Thiaminese enzyme which destroys vitamin B1 in the body and thus leads to vitamin deficiency which is known to be associated with loss of muscle control and also paralysis if not treated well. Interrelations between Essential Metal Ions and Human Diseases, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. National Library of Information, National Center for Biotechnology Information: "Silicon Dioxide", Occupational Safety and Health Administration: "Silica, Crystalline", Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia: "Use of Silicon for Skin and Hair Care: an Approach of Chemical Forms Available and Efficacy", International Journal of Endocrinology: "Silicon: A Review of Its Potential Role in the Prevention and Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis", International Journal of Endocrinology: "Silicon: a review of its potential role in the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis", U.S. Food and Drug Administration: FDA 101: Dietary Supplements, U.S. Food and Drug Administration: "CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21", Interrelations between Essential Metal Ions and Human Diseases: "Silicon: The Health Benefits of a Metalloid", Biology: "Update on the possible nutritional importance of silicon", Whole grains like oats, barely and cereals, Vegetables like leafy greens and green beans. About 30% of our planets crust is made of materials, so it is not surprising that it is also found infood. All connective and elastic tissues, including collagen, elastin, and mucopolysaccharides, are rich in silica when in their healthy state. Silica is found not only in the earths crust, but also in the human body. If you are suffering from a silica deficiency, your skin slackens, nails weaken, and hair becomes brittle. Studies have revealed that supplements with biotin called the hair vitamin helps bring back dry, fragile nails and promotes hair growth. A vitamin B7/biotin deficiency is rare in nations where people generally consume enough calories and food in general. No results in the hair, so I wonder if it helped my bones? Silica is naturally found in nails, making them strong. Besides improving skin elasticity, collagen is an important component of bone structure without enough of it, your bones can lose density and strength, which is why silica is thought to be good for your skeleton. Although I take k2 mk4 , & k2- MK 7 . As someone else mentioned, food grade DE also is a known intestinal dewormer. However, he believes taking the vitamin does improve the keratin infrastructure (a basic protein that makes up hair, skin and nails). My thought is: did this practice have anything to do with ingestion of silica. This helps the body to ward off any undesirable compound from entering the body. Improves Joint Health Its forms include emerald, quartz, clay and glass. Added to the fact that it is not well absorbed in the intestine and the fact that with ageing our internal levels decrease. Sulfur is excreted in the urine as it exists in the blood. According to research, diatomaceous earth has 85% silica and is a natural de-wormer. Good idea. As long as the horsetail is in an area free of pesticides and weed killers (and it sounds like it is), then go for it. Silicon: a review of its potential role in the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. International Journal of Endocrinology. Titanium toxicity & genetics. Silica makes up over a quarter of the planet's crust and can be found in most rocks, clays and sands. Historically, the primary source of dietary silica was the outside husks derived from hand harvested and ground grains. As a result, it is impossible for the body to form bone without silica. Silicon and silica are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference: silica is the oxide form of silicon, meaning silica has an oxygen molecule attached via covalent bonding. water, ever again. Silica Protects Bones and Prevents Osteoporosis. Unfortunately, as collagen production slows down with age, silica levels are also impacted. Consider what I explained above: this trace element is poorly absorbed. We've done extensive research on silica supplements in order to help you choose the best 19 for your specific needs. It's thought that silicon helps in the formation of the collagen network, improving skin elasticity and strength. 3 Balch JF, M.D, Balch PA, C.N.C. . I have had tremendous results from SEVERE PAIN (age 79). Health is not a short sprint. It will be dull, and you will notice a dark color caused by dirt or debris building up under . Related: Collagen for Anti-Aging & Beauty: Get Youthful Skin, a Glowing Face, Thick Hair, and Strong Nails Deficiency Symptoms: Depression; Slow growth The silica in your body also keeps everything flexible and adaptive. Silica has multiple uses in industry - for example, in concrete - and in foods, including as an anti-caking agent. Deficiencycan result in soft or brittle nails, premature wrinkles, thinning or hair loss, poor bone development and osteoporosis. And getting silica in food or supplement form may support various aspects of your wellbeing. However, more research is needed to better understand how silica benefits your immune system. That takes the calcium to your bones & teeth instead of the arteries. As you can see, the common theme is low B vitamins and low minerals. Nettle leaf tea or tincture and lemon balm tea or tincture can help restore hair. These symptoms include, but are not limited to: arthritic conditions, dental problems, gum disease, hardening of the arteries, osteoporosis, and wrinkled skin. A good diet is necessary. While its not essential for general health, it plays a role in collagen synthesis, which means it can help build and rebuild the tissues in your hair [], Your email address will not be published. . But am I wrong? Thank you for yr advice.Katherine. Boca Raton, FL 33433 The deficiency of Silica results in thinning of hair, weak and brittle nails, decreasing elasticity of the skin and other signs of ageing begin to show. Exhaustion. 2007-2022 Save Institute for Natural Health, Vivian Goldschmidt, MA. Silicon bond aluminum can also prevent Alzheimers disease, so a lack of silicon can lead to mental retardation. 2. Side effects include: Vitamin deficiency - silica supplements contain an enzyme, thiaminese. Signs of silica deficiency include: brittle nails; wrinkles on the . All rights reserved. Increased silicon intake by diet or dietary supplementation can alleviate this condition, although very high doses of silicon may be recommended, as long as an overdose is possible. 3 months is not long enough to tell. I am on 70% 300mg Bamboo Silica capsules, 1x day. They crack and splinter easily, and often turn an ugly yellow. This is of value to our immune system because healthy skin is our first line of defense against micro-organisms, preventing the skin from being penetrated by bacteria, fungus, and viruses. How has it been for you so far? Dart Hill. But not just any supplement. Benefits of Silica on overall Health. Conjunctivitis (pink eye) Depression. Considered symptoms of aging, these concerns may well be symptoms of silicon deficiency. Silica is required to produce the collagen matrix within bone that calcium is deposited upon. Silicon deficiency may be detected when the deterioration of the skin, hair and nails occurs. What are your thoughts on Bonolive? A lack of silica in the body produces obvious symptoms. Fingernails: Possible problems. Take three silica tissue salt granules or tablets, three times a day for one month. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Silica is a primary component of hair, and is required for maintaining the strength, thickness, and flexibility of the hair shaft. The average adult human has between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs on their head and each day an average of 100 hairs fall out. Look for your skin to start glowing . Before we embark on a discussion of this mineral, Id like to clarify these two terms. Chlorine Deficiency: Symptoms of Chlorine Deficiency? Per a May 2013 review in the International Journal of Endocrinology, silica otherwise known as silicon dioxide naturally occurs in foods like: It can also be manufactured for use in food products and supplements, which contain forms of silica that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has deemed as safe to use as food additives and anti-clumping agents. Your diet, skincare, or polish could be the cause of weak nails. You have two alternatives with which you dont have to worry about it: Both are excellent options for preventing silicon deficiency in the body. Silica supplements are touted for their ability to improve and strengthen skin, hair and nails, according to a May/June 2016 review in Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia. If you are a wildcrafter, as I am, you want to choose a place that is well away from any source of pollution such as a road or polluted water. Required fields are marked *. We are talking about a trace element that is essential for health. As you can see, this key mineral is not to be regarded as some inconsequential optional addition to the diet. That said, more studies are needed to better understand supplements' safety and effectiveness. Taking silica, along with the other nutrients required for building mucous membranes (vitamins A and D, and iodine, especially), can help to reduce inflammation in the intestines and stomach, and contribute to resolving constipation, diarrhea, and ulcers. As it does with hair, silica supplementation will improve the strength, thickness, and shine, of your nails (both finger and toe). The removal process for gel manicure can also take a toll on your nails in the long-term. Silicon is a naturally occurring mineral. How to take them Tissue salts can be purchased as single remedies or in combination, in most chemists and health food shops. The primary symptom of silica shortage is level of sensitivity to cold, i.e. Helps oxygenate the skin: "Silica gives you a glow because it is a strong carrier of oxygen, and it increases the transport of both nutrients and oxygen to the skin," Sharkar explains. Do not pick more than you can use. Like hair and skin, our nails are also dependent on a healthy supply of collagen, and fragile nails that break easily, can be a sign of silica deficiency. In the US, a biotin deficiency is pretty rare because common foods such as eggs, meat, fish, nuts, seeds and sweet potatoes. Taking silica supplements or eating silica-rich foods for hair growth may help improve the strength of your strands. That's because it may help regulate your body's inflammatory response, per an October 2014 review in Biology. That up, silica levels are also impacted journal of bone mineral density men! Tract lining which is the glue that holds us together source of dietary silica was the outside husks derived hand... Is silica, or silicon dioxide, which can cause dandruff, hair,... The hair shaft well be symptoms of silicon or in combination, in most chemists health! 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