Warning added if you attempt to delete the Console User you are currently using. The "expires" date is now shown in the Trigger column of the Schedule window. Added Run as Local System option to Packages. If you're not familiar with what I'm talking about, here's a list of all the different versions of Windows 10. Reboot step status reflects accurate run time. Simplified PC provisioning and Windows driver management for modern, distributed workforces. 5th: Make some PDQ Deploy dynamic collections. Added feature to share packages with other PDQ Deploy users (Enterprise). Added Warning icons when required fields in Mail Server preferences are empty. Fixed an issue with changing the order of items in the main window. Viewing an active deployment from a Shared database will now only show the final status of a deployment. Commence stalking in 3. Deploy Once may not have recognized PDQ Inventory was installed for selecting targets. Schedule times display in the correct 12hr or 24hr format to match the OS settings. The best patch management software makes it simple and easy to manage software updates across your computing devices and IT networks. Performance improvements in console start up. Variables are no longer duplicated upon upgrade. Fixed an issue with Post Schedule Notification's subject line using the wrong variables when 'Reset All' is selected. Improved testing of credentials for external domains. Database file location from the registry is now being read properly. The Cancel Download button on the Package Library works again. Fixed a possible crash when opening a Package. Advanced subscription level of the Package Library now includes past versions of packages. Fixed potential issue with placeholders in the Post Schedule Notification not displaying the correct data once emailed. All package steps run within single execution of remote service. Selecting the Weekend or Weekend Days Schedule triggers in conjunction with a specific day of the week now works as intended. Keep last used values for the "Stop deploying" settings for new Schedules. That's it! Allow multiple steps to be enabled/disabled in the Package window. Fixed issue where expanded folders were not maintained on refresh. Fixed integration issue with Inventory 3.0 Beta and Wake-on-LAN. Added Architecture (64/32-bits) column to Package Library Packages. To only be notified of release builds within the product, navigate to Options > Preferences (or Ctrl+,) click Alerts, and select Release Channel. Fixed possible error when starting due to invalid %TEMP% path. Selecting multiple deployments in the All Deployments page no longer freezes the console. If you need a security update from a previous month, it will need to be downloaded and deployed separately. Deploy custom or prebuilt software packages, automate IT tasks, and manage your devices from the cloud. Ability to expand/collapse all folders in the main window. It will write a value for null returns, which is what you need. For inventory of needed patches also use Windows Update for Business reports. Additionally, Windows 10 updates come in a few different varieties. I love that they patch vulnerabilities and fix bugs. FromAll Deployments page, Print Preview will only print the deployments selected on the page. Added new Error Mode which allows a deployment to stop on an error but still show as successful. Added feature to share packages with other PDQ Deploy users (Enterprise). Fixed issue where Created date was incorrect on some packages in the Package Library. Removed the default Install Step of a new Package. Schedules can now be attached to multiple packages. We PowerShell. Ridiculously simple Apple device management that compliments our Windows-based solutions. Auto Download Approvals of Private Packages are no longer visible to all client consoles. PDQ Deploy is a software deployment tool built to help you automate your patch management. Changed the deployment process to deal with reboots caused by install and command steps. Run As options now include a Use Package Settings option. The Subscription Expires date in the Preferences >Licensepage displays the date format per the local region. Changed Message step to allow ANSI characters (thank you, Gnther). I'll wait. That way I can just see what's online that needs to be patched. The Install Step no longer allows the same file to be added multiple times using 'Additional Files'. It scales well enough as IT departments grow, adding techs is simple enough, as is changing the workflow. Fixed issue importing computers from PDQ Inventory All Computers collection. Added a column to identify the folder the package resides in. Sorting issue when choosing target computers from Inventory now a thing of the past. Fixed issue when deploying batch files that take quoted parameters. Variables used as the Install File path on an Install Step no longer throw an exception. Then the next day, I tried installing the feature..all 20 machines also took different amount of time (downloading vs installing)I can understand if takes different time to download.but different amount of time to install (we did 20 stop watch to time when machine changed from downloading to installing). Added condition for determining whether a user is logged on to the target computer. Manually starting a scheduled deployment would occasionally display a blank error message. Improve importing/pasting duplicate names by adding "- Copy (2)" as needed. Hey everyone, I'm hoping to get some help forcing feature updates through PDQ using the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant application. When importing a schedule, custom Retry Queue settings will be missing unless the export was from a version after Selecting and downloading the needed Windows Update package Fixed issue with SQLite crashing on certain Windows 2003 servers. On the package page of the console, the Approval setting for an Auto Download package now displays next to the package name. Auto Download packages would occasionally display the opposite icon for both edited and unedited package. Fixed an issue where cleaned up deployments weren't always removed from the console. The installation wizard for PDQ Deploy now includes the ability to choose the destination folder. This simple guide will show you how to do so. Fixed an issue which could cause the console to crash when a deployment is started. Improved connection to Active Directory domains using domain controllers. Danish characters were not displaying correctly when selecting PDQ Inventory collections as targets. Enabling or disabling multiple steps in a package now works as expected. - Made sure servers are up-to-date with Windows updates and rebooted regularly. Download button renamed to Import. Added Auto Deployment feature. The Schedule Details panel now accurately displays the 'Stop after. Refreshing the console using F5 also checks for new versions of PDQ Deploy. Fixed issue with saving the Expires setting for a Schedule. Subscribe to our channel to view our weekly webcast on YouTube, We've assembled over 100 common IT terms to help you learn the basics quickly. Ability to prioritize deployments using Deploy Once as well as prioritizing already queued deployments or specific targets within a deployment. You need to hear this. Fixed memory leak encountered when console was manually refreshed. Selecting multiple deployments in the All Deployments page no longer freezes the console. Fixed an issue where access to the registry might cause a crash. Improved filtering of certain grid columns (e.g. Improved performance of auto sorting a large folder. While running a deployment, the copy status on the main deployment panel now provides the percent copied as well as the copy speed. Fixed an issue where the print page orientation could change when printing. See why our customers can't live without our products. In order to improve our products and hopefully fix bugs before they reach the end user, we now gather anonymous data. I created a PDQ Deploy job that sets Windows update to get all update. PDQ Inventory allows finding all machines that need the updates, and then you use PDQ Deploy to deploy the updates that are needed. Fixed an issue when using Pull file copy and Command steps. Manually starting a schedule was not shifting focus to the deployment. Fixed possible error when starting due to invalid %TEMP% path. (This is where the default Auto Approve policy can be set.). In the package library search box, type in Windows Updates. Ability to utilize one database with other consoles using the Central Server. . Steps in deployments timed out when the package included a copy step before and after a reboot step. Here's what the Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 update packages look like in PDQ Deploy. PowerShell scripts contained in a Library Package will now be signed the next time that package receives an update. Fixed an issue browsing to files in the Repository when using a mapped drive. Download History no longer displays the download type of 'ManualNoHistory' for Auto Downloads. Fixed integration issue with Inventory 3.0 Beta and Wake-on-LAN. 2021 PDQ.com Corporation. Step 1 - File Copy. Computers that are offline are now put into the. Fixed issue where Redeploying a package with custom credentials would instead display the default credentials. The default credentials are now known as default Deploy User. Filter added to the Select AD Target window. Can't get enough #PDQ? Package Library Package updates are now visible to Free users. Fixed an issue with heartbeat schedules using multiple PDQ Inventory Collections as targets that contained the same computers. Added condition for determining whether a user is. If so, then ignore this. In a schedule, targets in all lowercase letters were disregarding the option 'Stop deploying to targets once they succeed'. I had issues with the newest version of the script, so I used the version from Dec '20 and it worked just fine. Various other bug fixes and enhancements. The founders began working for other companies supporting the IBM Tivoli Management Framework and Microsoft SCCM. The filter on the Select Target List window is now working as expected. Added Auto Deployment feature. When the downloads finish, click on the package you want to deploy and click Deploy Once. Added multi-line support to the Command Step. For target folder, I do C:\Tech\2004. This tells you the servers contained in the collection do not have the latest patches. Select the Windows update packages that match the operating systems in your environment, then click Download Selected (As Auto Download). Install and Command step additional files can now contain environment variables. New Sleep Step to pause between Package steps. New Reports were not populating in the Reports menu without a manual refresh or restart of the console. Upgraded Auto Deployments now use the correct icon. Auto Download packages would occasionally display the opposite icon for both edited and unedited package. Execute scripts Copy over needed files Send messages to users Force reboots Free 14-day trial Execute remotely Unlock the potential of automation by scripting commands and scripts with your preferred language. I've ran this on several test machines and did a deployment to a small group of 4 machines last week, and it's been working fine for me. Pre-built packages for feature updates are not available in the PDQ Deploy package library. Hopefully it helps someone 2 years down the line that is looking for the same thing. Added keyboard shortcuts to Redeploy (Ctrl+R) and Redeploy to Failed (Ctrl+Shift+R). For all of these jobs, set the post install scan to be the powershell scan to check for updates. Integration with the PDQ Inventory Agent. Hey Peter, if that is your real name - how come all you do is necropost your spam everywhere? Added ability to enable or disable specific steps within multi-step packages. When Server and Client were in different timezones, the elapsed time was counting backwards. You can monitor the status of your deployment in the deployment status window. Introduced Package Library which contains prebuilt PDQ Packages for common applications. In my environment, I have three workstations, all running different operating systems. Opening a package while it was downloading would not be available for editing until the package was reopened. Pasting in Credentials no longer duplicates a previously entered domain. Fixed issue importing command steps with success codes. Launching PowerShell from Help > Open Elevated PowerShell Prompt would occasionally not work as intended. They went on to create tools to suit smaller and medium-sized businesses, and then expanded again to the enterprise level. Fixed issue which could result in duplicate Packages. Improved testing of credentials for external domains. I hate that they take forever and occasionally introduce new vulnerabilities and bugs. Check overwrite existing files, Include Subfolders and Copy All Files. From the extracted Windows ISO, there's a setup.exe file that needs to used to carry out the update process, but that's not all. Added support for SSL connections to Spiceworks. A full patched PC will return a null value, and the scanner will record it as a blank entry), PCs with any Office updates: Any > Powershell Scanner > Title > Contains > Office. You can find out more about scheduled deployments here. Update notes have moved. Fixed computer target importing to not not allow computer names with invalid characters. Added library package update notification for Pro users. Fixed an issue with upgrading the wrong version of the remote repair tool. Fixed issue where Created date was incorrect on some packages in the Package Library. Fixed an issue preventing deployments from using the setting on the package for Run as Local System. Multi-package schedules were deploying packages out of order. In Pro and Free mode, downloading a package from the Updates tab of the Package Library may require a refresh first. Conditions for Windows XP, Server 2003 R2, and Server 2003 were removed. shining in these parts. Sharing has been superseded by Central Server and has been disabled. Added the Package Description to the list of schedules. General Answered Windows updates Alex Henry 3 years ago We just acquired license for both pieces and to use it for Windows updates (since we dont have an update solution and they are set to just auto approve and install on machines which causes many issues). Fixed an issue when where importing a folder to the top of the tree wouldn't show until refresh. Once you've imported your computers into PDQ Inventory, you can sit back and relax while PDQ Inventory takes care of everything else. Click the Download selected button, then hit the Deploy Once button. They contain all of the updates from the previous cumulative updates. Fixed an issue with downloading from the package library with certain proxy servers. New themes available for the console, including dark. You need a Spiceworks account to {{action}}. Above is for 21H2, but next release, change location and bing, you can rollout an upgrade Friday as you head out of the door, and by Monday, it is all done. PowerShell steps no longer add a single space that was preventing the use of signatures. Out-of-band Updates: Out-of-band updates are updates that are released outside of the normal Patch Tuesday release Window. Added link to edit nested package from within nesting package. I'm trying to go from 20H2 to 21H1, and the 20H2 (current build) already has the latest windows updates installed.I'm also trying to go from x64 to x64, and Enterprise to Enterprise. I don't push out Nvidia (or AMD if you have AMD) drivers when people are logged in because it can make the user's screen flicker and make them call you with concerns. Fixed a bug preventing filters from finding certain nested objects. Ability to open a package from the Deployment Status window. Do you also want to scan for Windows AND other M$ products like Office? Additions Option to turn off Auto Download in Preferences > Auto Download. Integration issues have been fixed when used in conjunction with PDQ Inventory or later. Fixed issues with the Shared package icons and Shared folder icons displaying inconsistently. Download the installation media for 2004, run the executable, create a ISO Mount iso and copy files to repository Create a pdq deploy package (select folder with extracted iso files) Create command (C:\folder\2004\setup.exe /auto upgrade /migratedrivers all /ShowOOBE none /Compat IgnoreWarning /Telemetry Disable) Set timeout to 120 minutes . Added library package update notification for Pro users. These builds receive limited testing and can potentially contain bugs. The 'O/S Version' condition now allows you to unselect 'All Versions' without causing a freeze. Remote Repair can be opened without having to select a target computer first. Warnings about Caps Lock when entering a password. There is no "stable" status bar for windows update as each update for each machine takes different amount of time. Fix an error preventing certain target filters from being deleted. Groups in Active Directory were occasionally sorted incorrectly. Born in the '80s and raised by his NES, Brock quickly fell in love with everything tech. Download our free 14-day trial, so you can finish following along with the article. Fixed an issue preventing reboot steps from properly reconnecting. Configuration summary added in Help > Current Configuration Summary. Yes, you read that right. Issues with shared packages being edited by the other console computer. Fixed a bug in the Package Library update window when selecting multiple items. If do you use this simple PDQ Deploy script you will need to download the SHUTDOWNWITHUPDATES exe and set the path to it in this PDQ Deploy script. Notifications for Schedules and Deployments moved from Mail Server in the Preferences to the Reports menu. Deployments are no longer deleted when a package is deleted. Use PDQ Inventory's Scan User credentials for your Deployments and Schedules. per year . Default to last deployment user when creating a new deployment. There is already collections built for this purpose by default in PDQ Inventory. Finished? https://www.pdq.com/pdq-deploy/https://www.pdq.com/package-library/Cumulative and Monthly Rollup Updates The Downloaded column in the Package Library now populates immediately following an auto download. . (Pro mode - Requires PDQ Inventory). Setting the 'Once' Schedule Trigger in the past now displays visual warnings in the schedule itself and on the All Schedules page. Deployments are no longer deleted when a package is deleted. PDQ Inventory will automatically begin scanning computers as they are added to Inventory. They are both pay for utilities, but do have a free version of the programs with a few limitations. Great! Other minor registry condition bugs fixed. Issue with the background service occasionally counting as a concurrent session. I know there's the /noreboot switch available in the parameters, but I've never managed to get it working properly with that being absent, hence separating out the steps. Variables are no longer duplicated upon upgrade. A restart of both background services for PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory may be required for proper integration. Step updates in the Target details window and the Detailed status window occasionally displayed out of sync. Let PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory help you take back control of your network. Version 18 Version 18, Release 1. Improved idle background service performance with large number of schedules. Fixed an issue where aborted computers were shown as successful in the notification email. Improved performance on integration to PDQ Inventory. Packages not downloaded due to repository access now display the correct error message. In the spirit of fresh starts and new beginnings, we Deploying to a schedule that is linked to a PDQ Inventory collection would sometimes deploy to additional targets. Added Message Step to Packages (Pro mode). (Note - When you download a package as an "Auto Download" package, it will be automatically updated as new versions of the package become available. Fixed issue linking to All Computers in PDQ Inventory. Use the arrow to select the package you want to deploy. Added Inventory Heartbeat Trigger which allows Deploy Schedules to be triggered when a target comes online. Changed the deployment step output to be empty when the deployment succeeds. You now can monitor the progress of the deployment process. Auto Download packages set to manual approval were not listed in the Update tab of the Package Library until after a console refresh. Likelihood to Recommend. Added "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass" to default command line when running a Powershell script in an Install Step. Changed Advanced subscription to Enterprise. BMC Software Inc. Track-It! Schedules linked to a deleted PDQ Inventory Collection now display the correct error message. Fixed an issue where the return code wasn't being captured from a step executed as "Deployment User (Interactive)". Variables in file names are not expanding when using something other than an .exe. Fixed issue with saving the Expires setting for a Schedule. Fixes to a couple of icons which weren't displaying correctly. Fixed an issue with deployments appearing to be stuck in a queued state, but had actually failed in the target window. Schedule times display in the correct 12hr or 24hr format to match the OS settings. Upgraded Auto Deployments now use the correct icon. Redeploy now uses the same credentials as the original deployment. Open up PDQ Deploy and select the Package Library. Changing the appearance of package icons works as expected. Preferences change log added in C:\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Audit. Improved the speed of aborting deployments. Flashback: April 17, 1944: Harvard Mark I Operating (Read more HERE.) Integration issues between PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory when using Central Server. Target History data now stored per package in a schedule (since a schedule can now link to multiple packages). The filter on the Select Target List window is now working as expected. To do this, simple type Windows 10 ISO (or Windows 11 ISO if you're using Windows 11) into Google, and it'll come back with a link that says Download Windows 10 (or 11) Disc Image (ISO File) - Microsoft. Default to last deployment user when creating a new deployment. Print Preview can now be printed across multiple pages using the Auto Fit profile. 'Server is not running' error occurring in connection to certain versions of .NET. Don't allow duplicate import of computer names when one name is short (NetBIOS) and the other is fully qualified. Added "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass" to default command line when running a Powershell script in an Install Step. Repository for organizing package files. Use default text editor when opening step output. Ultimate Pi-hole configuration guide, SSL certificates, automatic updates, automatic sync, more! We know the pains and struggles of managing Windows updates in an environment where you are grossly outnumbered by the computers you support. Deploy package steps are now showing up in the correct order. If you go do to the Collection Library > Applications > Windows Updates > pick your OS and then select the collection that has (old) on the end. Fixed issue running as local system in free mode. Package Nesting using the new Nested Package Step. You can install updates with just PDQ Deploy, configured with dynamic collections in PDQ Inventory, without WSUS or powershell module. PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory are great for your automation. Once you've downloaded your chosen Windows OS ISO, you'll need to extract the files with 7-Zip. Added GetPackageNames and GetSchedules to the CLI commands. Added new icons to show when Packages and Folders are Shared. a software deployment tool used to keep Windows PCs up-to-date without bothering end users. oUnedited Auto Download packages from the Package Library can be deployed to PDQ Inventory targets with an External Agent. If you get a list of updates (or Return code: 0), then you're good as far as that install goes. That will scan against M$ Updates and will return updates for Windows (drivers included) AND Office. Fixed a bug in the Package Library update window when selecting multiple items. I scan once in the morning and once in the afternoon to try and get as many online PCs as possible. Fixed an issue when copy/paste would fail with remote control software running. 89 verified user reviews and ratings of features, pros, cons, pricing, support and more. I have a group for Workstations, then I make a sub-group for online workstations, then my update sub-groups from there. Added Duplicate menu option to duplicate selected Package or Target List. Fixed issue when attempting to duplicate multiple packages. Made improvements to the Retry Queue to prevent the issue of creating too many deployments. Fixed issue which could result in duplicate Packages. Changing the target on a schedule from a single target to a PDQ Inventory collection may have caused an error. Targets can once again be copied from a Deployment and pasted into the Deploy Once window. Popular, ready-to-download applications. Added 32/64-bit conditions to Package Steps. I've come to realize that I have a serious love-hate relationship with Windows updates. Improved performance on integration to PDQ Inventory. Scan After Deployment added to both the Deploy Once window and Schedules. Computers will now use their short (NetBIOS) name when their long host name doesn't resolve. When a new File or Registry condition fails, the output log includes comprehensive information. Fixed issues where deployments would stop processing when several were running at once. Fixed the ability to deploy to an IP address as the target. Fixed a problem which sometimes required deployments to be aborted twice. Added ability to deploy a single attached package when right clicking a schedule. PowerShell steps can now run without issue when the PowerShell execution policy is set to AllSigned on a target. Update notes have moved. Youve come to the right place. The tab header in a schedule now shows an error icon when an error exists within that tab. Compare Octopus Deploy vs PDQ Deploy & Inventory. Various bug fixes and performance enhancements. Sorting Targets during or after a deployment now works as expected. 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pdq deploy windows updates